Free tobacco from Altadis

Brothers of Briar

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Most of you probably know about this but I'll post it anyway for those who don't, or who have can get free samples from Altadis...iirc you can do this once a year and they send you three or four pouches of pipe're choice of aromatic, non-aromatic, or english blends...make sure when filling out the form to receive your samples that you uncheck the "opt-in" box and check "no" to save your email inbox from a flood of spam...

Free Tobacco from Altadis
Sweet. Thanks for the heads up. I just requested some "non-aromatic". I don't know what that means to Altadis, but it's a good deal nonetheless.
I received my free sample of Altadis Tobacco today,I forgot when I sent away for it,
maybe a couple months ago?It is a 1.5 ounce tin of Blend #5,whatever that may be.
I shall crack it open shortly and check it out.Three cheers for Altadis :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Winslow :sunny:
Winslow":99imy6ax said:
I received my free sample of Altadis Tobacco today,I forgot when I sent away for it,
maybe a couple months ago?It is a 1.5 ounce tin of Blend #5,whatever that may be.
I shall crack it open shortly and check it out.Three cheers for Altadis :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Mine arrived today also Winslow!
Hope yours was in better shape than mine. The can was mashed flat and the tobacco was lose in the shipping envelope. I shall start smoking it immediately to prevent further spoilage.

I also got my sample today, good condition. "Great Outdoors," which I believe is supposed to be their take on Field & Stream. But I can't see Great Outdoors without thinking of this immortal piece of cinema:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen></iframe>
CLASSIC,,,,let us know if the sample is,,,,
As a retired postal worker it does not surprise me that a tin was squashed in shipping.
I expect things like that and when I get one undamaged I am amazed.
This blend #5 is a light English mixture,not too interesting to my taste but the price
was right.

Winslow :sunny:
I received a tin of No. 5 in today's mail -- I think I requested it 2 or 3 months ago
Mailbox was empty when I got home from work today. I started reading these posts and thought "Maybe I'm on the naughty list..." I went and asked my son if he got the mail after school. "Yeah, it's on the table" Eureka! A tin of Great Outdoors... in today's mail. :cheers:
Winslow":268ck9yh said:
As a retired postal worker it does not surprise me that a tin was squashed in shipping.
I expect things like that and when I get one undamaged I am amazed.
This blend #5 is a light English mixture,not too interesting to my taste but the price
was right.

Winslow :sunny:
I smoke several tobaccos in the english category. This one is the low octane on everything.

Wish mine had been "Great Outdoors,".
Upper right corner,request pipe tobacco sample.

Winslow :sunny:
Just did my request. Only one hitch in the git-a-long, the question about school. None of the answers applied to me so I had to pick attending college. :shock:
Yep. Got mine yesterday too. I love getting free pipe tobacco in the mail. :santa:
I'm trying out a bowl of the Great Outdoors now... a pretty heavy aro, but fortunately less heavy burning than it smells in the tub. Vanilla and something faintly licorice... a little like those chalky meltaway mints you see by the register of many diners. Doesn't burn troublingly hot. Imagine the room note is very civllian-friendly.

Don't love it; don't loathe it. Not really my thing. Like Winslow said, can't beat the price--Good show from Altadis!
I put my preferance as "non-aromatic", but they sent me Great Outdoors. It's not my cup of tea -- tastes like MacBarens.
Got mine in today, ordered it about a month ago. I received, 1.5Oz of "Super Value Natural Cavendish"
from Dream Castle Tobacco. I'll load a bit up later today.

edit-- Eww. I know it's free, but damn.

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