Game of Thrones

Brothers of Briar

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I'm not expecting the world, but with each trailer, I'm more of an excited sucker. House of the Dragon.

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The past two weeks, my youtube feed was full of GoT reaction videos. I can't imagine watching any show that I love, and that I fully immerse myself in, with a group of people or in a bar. I don't even like to pour myself a glass of something. I don't want any distractions at all. I fold up and sit still in utter silence for an hour. Maybe with a partner, but no more than me and another. I do admit I drank quite a bit of whiskey when watching Mad Men. They were drinking, and so was I. I digress. But to have everyone calling out their every thought and emotion, to approach it like a soccer match. I'm not better. They're not wrong. I just can't imagine that being fun or in best service to my experience.

check out a video of outside an apartment building last night. This gives a good indicator of how big House of the Dragon, and the GoT universe, is right now. I hope the link works. Does it? Maybe I should be impressed HBO didn't crash last night?
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It's not a huge mistake but probably the biggest mistake we made when choosing a house design for our current residence was selecting one with a great room. Seems like it never fails that a movie I'm watching gets to a critical point and someone walks into the kitchen area to fix a snack and "clatter, clank, thud" noises from dishes, cupboard doors, and the refrigerator doors interrupt the show.
It's not a huge mistake but probably the biggest mistake we made when choosing a house design for our current residence was selecting one with a great room. Seems like it never fails that a movie I'm watching gets to a critical point and someone walks into the kitchen area to fix a snack and "clatter, clank, thud" noises from dishes, cupboard doors, and the refrigerator doors interrupt the show.
I grew up in a house with a grandfather clock that did its thing ever quarter hour. By the third quarter of each hour, the chiming was a full 6-8 seconds, and as you can imagine, at night, when you're most likely to be relaxing and watching TV, it was chiming anywhere from 8-12 seconds on the hour. The d@mn thing was 15ft from the TV. It was an absolute nuisance and very, very frustrating.

Yeah, I don't care for open floor plans for the very reason you describe. I don't want to hear, nor see, what everyone else is doing. I like walls, rooms, privacy, and quiet.
HBO Max is giving away episode 1 of House of the Dragon on youtube. I've been debating getting HBO just because of this show, so we're gonna see here...


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