Germain's Plum Cake mixture

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2015
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I never see this blend come up in conversation and couldn't find any threads on it here. First off the tin has very cool art. Its a thin shag cut which isn't too moist...I left some out for about two hours and it was dry by then but you could certainly smoke it out of the tin if you like that. It has an anise tin note, which is something I've been looking for. Not sure what other notes I can pick up, it says wine and spices on the tin but I get mostly anise...not incredibly strong...not licorice but anise and it smells nice, maybe almost a trace of something that reminds me of "orange bitters". It's a shag and it clumps so after pulling apart it packs very easily. Easily to light, the anise flavor comes through but not too strong. Its all virginia, smokes great, no relights, the topping is easier to taste the more moist it is and the anise comes through in the room note and the flavor but it melds with the virginia nicely and the tobacco taste is not overridden at all; a nice blend. The tin note is similar somewhat to GH Rum Flake. I'm always looking for anise blends and I rarely see this one recommended as such but it is and its good. I like it.

For those who are familiar with Germain blends, how does No 7 mixture compare to Plum Cake.
Nice review Bugs. Perhaps I'll check this one out.

I do like an Anise character. Uhle's 255 was my very first pipe blend, and it has a light licorice topping. What my late Pap smoked exclusively for as long as I can remember.

If it was good enough for Pap, it was good enough for me!


Another tobacco to add to the ever growing to try list. Thanks for the review. :)
I'm not familiar with Germain's Plum Cake, Mac B's Plum Cake is a long time favorite, but it does sound interesting. I may have to buy a tin and find out.
Brewdude":gopsj5kj said:
Nice review Bugs. Perhaps I'll check this one out.

I do like an Anise character. Uhle's 255 was my very first pipe blend, and it has a light licorice topping. What my late Pap smoked exclusively for as long as I can remember.

If it was good enough for Pap, it was good enough for me!


thanks brew, i remember you suggested 255 its on my list of licorice blends to try. I'm surprised germain's doesnt get more love since they are available on most sites. it's a nice blend but the topping diminishes quickly with drying time it seems. I love the antique looking tin art. A nice smoke for these warm summer nights for sure
RobJ":uzodkvlu said:
I'm not familiar with Germain's Plum Cake, Mac B's Plum Cake is a long time favorite, but it does sound interesting. I may have to buy a tin and find out.
Ditto on the Mac B for me. But I suspect they're two different flavor configurations.
Brewdude":i0l0t4e6 said:
Nice review Bugs. Perhaps I'll check this one out.

I do like an Anise character.


I reckon that's why you like me BD................I have an anus character
babysinister":oton6388 said:
RobJ":oton6388 said:
I'm not familiar with Germain's Plum Cake, Mac B's Plum Cake is a long time favorite, but it does sound interesting. I may have to buy a tin and find out.
Ditto on the Mac B for me.  But I suspect they're two different flavor configurations.
They are two different flavor configurations. I prefer Germain's. It's smoother, no chance of bite, with a little deeper flavor. It took me a few bowls to get into it, so if it doesn't seem to suit you at first, keep giving it a chance. It'll grow on you.
I didn't think they'd be very similar given the very different makeup of the blends, Mac B's with Virginias, Burley, Cavendish and Latakia vs Germain's with apparently just Virginias, and "black tobacco" (whatever that is).

That said I think I might like it, so thanks for the comments gentlemen.

I've never smoked any of this but if "taste?" is anything like GH Rum Flake I'm sure I'll like it a lot. Guess I'll have to order some and give it a try. Thanks for the review. :)

It doesnt taste much like rum flake. Rum Flake has a strong licorice smell and tastes like Licorice, Rum and Vanilla to me but Plum Cake has more of a anise smell with fruity hints and tastes like anise with almost gelatin like notes so they are different
This is one I just couldn't get into... Maybe I should have stuck with it, but alas I gave it away and prob loaded up w a bowl of Blackwoods Flake or FVF... Regrets
I might be at the "takes a few bowl's to get into" phase, as I had a bowl of this two weeks ago and it was not to my liking. I do however enjoy several of Germain's aromatics, especially the ones that are on the anise/licorice flavored continuum.

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