Good Quality Aromatics-is there such a thing?

Brothers of Briar

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Smokey Joe

Well-known member
Oct 29, 2009
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Let's face it, I've had bad experiences with Aros, so I turn to the Aromatic Connoisseurs for advice. I'm looking for a good quality Aro (if there's such a thing) that smells great but also satisfies the smoker (ME!!!). The wife loves to entertain guests during the Holiday Season and has advised me to smoke something that's pleasant to non-smokers (the mother-in-law) or else, freezing my b@#%# off smoking on the front porch!. Now, I usually don't care what non-smokers think, especially in my own house, but I have to keep peace with the Queen of the castle, so please help!!!
If you like a berry flavor, Dan Devil's Holiday is good tobacco underneath a very pleasant berry topping.

Boswell's aromatics are also nice, but to my body a little lighter-weight in the tobacco. Christmas Cookie smells exactly like its title--it would be a crowd pleaser at Yuletide for sure!
Lol some good smokes that might appease the Queen are; Planta's 'Black Vanilla Flake', Peterson's 'Connoisseur's Choice' and Samuel Gawaith's 'Celtic Talisman', the latter has a particularly satisfying taste, but all are good blends in my opinion. Hope the holiday season goes well brother!

Oh and just having read Doc's response, Boswell aromatics are the rare sort that make it on to TobaccoReviews' ( '4 star list'
Let me recommend three that smell great and satisfy.

Stanwell Melange
MB Vanilla Cream
Lanes BCA
I'll have to throw my vote for Devils Holiday, It's made of quality VA's with the berry flavoring added. Second choice would be the 'Connoisseur's Choice' the flavoring is not as heavy as the DH. Other than those two I can't say.
I've never had any but Boswell Pipes aromatic blends are always raved about. Check out the reviews at
Ah, but I am Irish of decent, family of the Duvals and the Purcells. As far as strong, well in my youth, I was a competitive powerlifter with my top lift of 863 pounds, ten times, so you be the judge.

However, my online name comes from the fact I drink Barry's Gold tea all the time. I've even been to the factory in Dublin. I was given the name when I wrote tea articles for several magazines. I also drink my tea very strong and black.
I drink Barry's all the Time!!! I just bought 7 boxes!! :tongue: Ken
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue:
I assume you want strength to satisfy. That does not always play well with aromatics. But the Gawith houses both make a lot of scented blends. You might try some of those. Great tobacco taste and plenty of strength, if you can learn to like some of the oils used for scenting.

Another thing to try, might be some of the C&D blends. Autumn Evening is pretty good. Maybe one of their Deer Tongue blends like the new Gentleman Caller.

LJ Peretti has some flavored burley that's really good. DD and 333 come to mind, but they have true aromatics.

Oh, something I picked up at Chicago this year from Hearth & Home, is LJ Heart Burley. Has plenty of strength and a nice chocolate scenting. It's pretty good.
I would second the recommendation of Autumn Evening. I just recently tried this blend, and found it to be quite good. The maple flavoring is not overpowering, in my opinion, but it is there. However, the Va does not yield to the maple topping.

It smells good in the tin, and I'm told the room note is very nice.

Mac Baren Vanilla Flake would be my recommendation for a "real tobacco with topping" - it will leave the room smelling like heaven and provide a good sweet virginia pleasure with a pervasive vanilla

for the full on aero's I like Solani Sweet Mystery, Lane BCA, Boswell Christmas Cookie and Berry Cobler as well as Stanwell Vanilla - all very tasty...
Does Black Cavendish count as an aromatic?? Very satisfying to me and socially courteous to others. (Latakia and Perique just don´t endear non-smokers to us- hahaha!)
I also have the Irish temper Pipedjimmy, LOL!

Love London, I have been there many times. Always pick up Condor, St Bruno and Rington's Northumbrian tea when I am there.
Thanks a bunch guys. Ya'll sure do know your aromatics. I haven't even heard of some of these. Looks like I have some choices for my next baccy order. :rabbit:
here i go again...noted for her quality aromatics, try carol burns at pipeworks&wilke.

lots of gpod reviews on

when i'm in my aromatic mood, her honey-vanilla is superb.

also excellent are her vermont maple blend and #515 (i think that's it), reputedly originally blended for basil rathbone a a fine rum=based concoction.

advantages are a special sampler package and the ability to buy at fair bulk prices. plus personalized service.

i suppose if minimum quanties are involved, carol is known to tweak a blend to your specific preferences
I'll have to go with the previously reccommended "Devil's Holiday". I do not like it as an all-day smoke, but have found I can enjoy it more as an "after dinner" smoke.

I would also add "Scotty's Butternut Burley" from, and "Maple Street" from the Altadis "Sutliff Private Stock" line.
I've been on an aromatic search for 28 years and found Boswells just recently. They have a good variety of aros to choose from. I've been working my way through the menu with great anticipation and satisfaction. I haven't found one to burn yet and I do smoke them hot and fast as a rule.

My favorite right now is the Chocolate cream. It smell delicious in the pouch and tastes like it smells. To me anyhow.

Sweet Tea is another well named tobacco. It is sweet yet has underlying depth of flavor that I enjoy. You have to want it sweet to enjoy this though.

Berry Cobbler is also one that I enjoy. It is certainly more subtle than Sweet Tea in the topping flavor but like a tasty desert.

If you want a latikia flavor mixed in with your topping try Bear's Blend. Not my cup of tea but may satisfy others.

As you can see, I'm really enjoying the Boswell tobaccos. I hope this helped. I'm a proud aromatic smoker!!!

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