Got me a manly gun...

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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After listening for to long to the fellers make fun of my tiny Ruger LCP I figured I'd upgrade to something a little more manly.

S&W 637
puros_bran":iisqgold said:
After listening for to long to the fellers make fun of my tiny Ruger LCP I figured I'd upgrade to something a little more manly.

S&W 637

Sweet! I think it suits you well.
I think it's the "better be 20meters away before making fun of my pink gun" Limited Edition.
I know that pink thing has a really short barrel. But having just shot indoors with my 3 3/4" barreled 45 Colt, I think I would want to be further away than 20m, even with that little barrel. A man is just too big of a target at that distance.
You'd think I was a liar if I told you how far out I score hits with a snub  38 so I just say the expected 15-20 meters and go on...

But it's a 1.87 inch bbl.
And I was thinking of a ten gauge side by side double with exterior hammers!
Before I bought my 686 (.357 Mag with 3" barrel and wood grip) a few years ago I looked at these little snub nose .38s. They just felt way too small in my hand. I wasn't buying to carry concealed, so "small" really wasn't an issue.....I was buying a kitchen gun and wanted something crazy accurate with 7 rounds and some great knock down power. Can't go wrong with a .357 Mag :D

And there is NO way I will ever have a gun with a pink handle. I don't wear pink football/baseball jerseys just because I'm a girl either :lol:
Don't think anyone said anything about you having a pink stock (and they are stocks, not handles or grips) Ms Priss.. So go on with your Long Barreled, oversized, machismo insecurity, compensation.. No one really cares.  I bet you have a really big truck and a real fast sports car too.. Yeah I know your type.

Just kidding :p   :p   Couldn't help it.  :p  :p

I had a 2.5 M66 back when.  Shooting full power loads was an excessive in forest fire prevention.            The M686 is a fine weapon but honestly I liked it better before they started tinkering with it adding rounds, cutting the lug, moving the firing pin off the hammer, etc.    I had one on long term loan back in the late 80's, really liked it.      

I've literaly had hundred of pistols. I have seven now, all but two of them will disappear in a jacket pocket.  And as for 'kitchen gun'  that's a long gun.
HMMMM,,,, kitchen gun,,not familiar with that reference,,,,,,the meat we cook in the kitchen is already dead,,,or maybe it's like my first wife,,who had to hold a gun to my head to eat the slop she cooked. :lol!::lol!: :lol!: Fine Briar pipes and firearms furniture. Home of the world famous kitchen gun.....

You know what I bet would be an insanely cool set of grips to replace those pink grips on that S&W J frame (besides the set of black grips you can see in the pic if you pay attention)??? Either a flame grain smooth set or a tan blast for grippige.
Well, my house has three levels and I have a gun on each. The "basement gun" is an AR-15, the "kitchen gun" is the .357 and the "bedroom gun" is an 870 express (loaded with heavy game load). I want to be prepared just in case some one decides to be dump and break in during the day when I am here alone with the kids. I will not wait until something bad happens and then say "Why Me??". I live my life by "Why not me?" and am ready for this stuff to happen. I'll never be kidnapped in a parking lot either....always keep my head up and ready. Soooo...come on over, bad guy, I'm ready and waiting :lol:

And briar would make awesome grips.....but, I'm not making them. Talk about a headache :twisted: . I have made one knife and that was enough....I'll leave that to BH. Gotta think gun grips would fall into that same category.
Yeah but you are an artist... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Just jerking your shank Big Horse.
a 357 kitchen gun.. really? hope you don't have neighbors or the kids aren't in the house when you shoot that thing.
Bullwinkle":grfl2fgz said:
a 357 kitchen gun..  really?  hope you don't have neighbors or the kids aren't in the house when you shoot that thing.  
I hope she ( or any of us for that matter) never has a reason to discharge any weapon except at a firing range of her choosing but I hope she (or any like minded individual) is around to protect me or mine if I am unable to for some reason. I'll back the armed citizenry over the perpetrators, armed or otherwise, everytime.

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