Got me a manly gun...

Brothers of Briar

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puros_bran":h4p6s0da said:
Bullwinkle":h4p6s0da said:
a 357 kitchen gun..  really?  hope you don't have neighbors or the kids aren't in the house when you shoot that thing.  
I hope she ( or any of us for that matter) never has a reason to discharge any weapon except at a firing range of her choosing but I hope she (or any like minded individual) is around to protect me or mine if I am unable to for some reason.  I'll back the armed citizenry over the perpetrators, armed or otherwise, everytime.
Huh? I'm not against her having home defense weapons but a 357 in a stick house with kids at home and neighbors in a stick home next door certainly doesn't seem like a wise choice to me. also, with small kids in the house I hope her arsenal isn't just laying around loaded. Her smart move would be to lock up the 357 and ar15 (really) and get a couple more shotguns.
WTF,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; , and , every,,,=for,-sect,(4433.5,), if,,-res, house,-9.4334)<span class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" id="sceditor-end-marker" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span><span class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" id="sceditor-start-marker" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span><p></p><br><br>
Bullwinkle":7u5m6m5g said:
puros_bran":7u5m6m5g said:
Bullwinkle":7u5m6m5g said:
a 357 kitchen gun..  really?  hope you don't have neighbors or the kids aren't in the house when you shoot that thing.  
I hope she ( or any of us for that matter) never has a reason to discharge any weapon except at a firing range of her choosing but I hope she (or any like minded individual) is around to protect me or mine if I am unable to for some reason.  I'll back the armed citizenry over the perpetrators, armed or otherwise, everytime.
Huh?  I'm not against her having home defense weapons but a 357 in a stick house with kids at home and neighbors in a stick home next door certainly doesn't seem like a wise choice to me. also, with small kids in the house I hope her arsenal isn't just laying around loaded. Her smart move would be to lock up the 357 and ar15 (really) and get a couple more shotguns.
Don't worry....I am a hillbilly and was raised to have a very healthy respect for all firearms. All of my weapons are properly secured, though they are loaded.

If I just wanted to piss the person off who broke into my house and needs to be shot I would just get a bb gun. Hence the .357, I hit you with that and you aren't getting back up. A .38? I am going to empty the thing and you are still gonna be able to get me. And as always (and I'm sure PB will agree) shooting someone is always a last resort. Taking a life is a huge deal. But, when it come down to someone trying to hurt me and mine it's gonna be them that gets hurt not us.
<p></p><p><br>I guess (....4334=yet another) &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp,,,=section(44344,&amp;nbsp) ignore,,sceditormarkstartmarker</p><p>nbsp=.""""nbsp nbsp ,,,,(ignoreID start marker)=nbspnbsp lineheight0 ,,"" endspacing displaynone.<span class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" id="sceditor-end-marker" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span><span class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" id="sceditor-start-marker" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span></p>
stupid is as stupid does.. not sure what being a hillbilly has to do with anything. have fun.
Ya' know, I had this whole long rant typed out and just deleted it. We don't all have to agree on everything all the time....I'll leave it at that.

And what does being a hillbilly have to do with gun safety? When was the last time you heard of a hillbilly getting shot by accident or one of their kids finding a "hidden" gun of their parents and hurting themselves or one of their friends. I was brought up in a hunting family and firearms of all sorts were common place. We were taught from a very very young age that they were not toys and weren't to be messed with. When I was old enough I was taught how to properly handle and shoot all types of firearms. That's all I was really sayin' with the "hillbilly" comment.
Took the words outta my mouth

I tried several times earlier today to post but the cybergods didn't receive my offering apparently.
.357 was the choice of law enforcement agencies and officers for many years. I carried my S&W model 28 as long as I could, until the department finally made us switch to .40 Glocks. Even though my shooting score increased a bit and the gun proved reliable, I still preferred/prefer my .357.
Simple, I'd guess the 38 Special was the longest serving caliber in US history. I was just talking about this the other day on another board. My state trooper uncle carried a 357 for most of his career and vehemently argued against forcing the 'old timers' to adopt semi-automatics. My city police chief uncle still carries the S&W Model 66 he bought when he joined the Police back in 73-74.
puros_bran":2nu3yrit said:
Simple, I'd guess the 38 Special was the longest serving caliber in US history.  I was just talking about this the other day on another board. My state trooper uncle carried a 357 for most of his career and vehemently argued against forcing the 'old timers' to adopt semi-automatics. My city police chief uncle still carries the S&W Model 66 he bought when he joined the Police back in 73-74.
It was a hard transition, that is for sure. I just didn't feel dressed for work without that boat anchor weighing me down. :lol:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
That's a TALO special edition Ruger SP101 357mag. They made about 1000 of them. It's one of three firearms I will not sale or trade. The other two consist of a cheap FIE TItan 38special my grandfather carried and a S&W Military and Police Model 1905 38special (later became the Victory Model, then the Model 10) 6"bbl from 1929 my kid's great grandfather carried.
That's MUCH better :cheers: Now it looks like a gun and not an accessory :lol!:
As always PB excellent choice even if it was pink. As a really big guy I chose the 1911. My back up is a full sized WW2 Russian TT-33 converted to 9mm. Yes I'm odd. As to gun unloaded gun is nothing more than a paper weight.
Huffle I have had several 1911's .. A Springfield, a Taurus PT1911, a Remington-Rand .. Maybe a brand or two I don't remember. They have all been fine weapons..but I just prefer a revolver.
Not a thing wrong with a revolver man. I use 1911's because its what I'm most familiar and proficient with. That to me is paramount. Use what you're most comfortable with and you will automatically increase your odds in the event you need to use it.

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