Greetings from the beach with no water

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hello there. Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I'm a new pipe smoker from Va, stationed in MD, currently in Iraq. Being deployed has given me a chance to take up new hobbies. Being a youngin (27) it was either Playstation or Pipe. I'm not much on video games so the Pipe it was. I'm currently smoking a very cheap Pipe I bought at our local Haji shop (sorry if the term Haji offends, it's actually a term of respect in Muslim culture- One who has made a haj). Aside from that. I am currently waiting a MM Cob, BC bent briar, and a custom Meer that I'm having done through the I'm loving the Pipe life. I get the looks from other guys but I don't really care. I'm a big boy with big boy hobbies. i really should stop ranting. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on my piping adventures here in Lovely Iraq.
Hello and welcome! Thanks for your service and do everything you can to be safe.

Welcome to the board Bubba! I'd like to join the rest in thanking you for your service.

Hopefully you'll find as much enjoyment out of pipe smoking as we do, it's more rewarding than non-pipe folks understand.
I agree. I'm smoking about 2-3 bowls a day. It seems to be a nice way to just get away. Think about home and stuff. I find it's nice to put on some tunes, sit back and relax. I do seem to have a problem though. I've tried 2 different Captain Black blends (Cherry and the Blue pouch, both rather old and very dry) and can't tell much of a difference. I used to chew redman and skoal straight. I'm guessing I won't find anything that sweet. Any suggestions?
Welcome Bubba

If you liked the Captain black try 1Q it is Captain Black royal

Its reasonably priced and has a vanilla smell and taste

SG firedance Flake is a good berry tasting one
If your looking for more nick try esoterica stonehaven
Welcome, we appreciate all you men and women are doing. Enjoy your pipes.
Welcome to the BoB Bubba! I don't like sounding like a broken record, but thank you very much for your service! I really appreciate what your comrades are doing abroad.

It is interesting that you find solice in the pipe. It can become a very good old friend!
From this veteran to you, thank you for your sacrafice for our country!

Welcome to the board!!
Welcome Bubba!

I'm just as young.. *Clears Throat*.. I mean, just as old as you, and I'm new to pipe smoking, as well as this board. I can say that this is a great community to be a part of, and I have been helped out by a couple of people already to get me on my way. Especially from Natch (Jeff) (still can't believe you sent me all that tobacco). =]

Anyway, best of luck with you during your deployment. I'm honored at your service and detication to this country. Keep in touch. Cheers!

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