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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2012
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I purchased my first tin of Haddo's Delight today. For those of you that are a fan of this blend, how long at the minimum would you recommend aging it?

Do any of you Haddo's smokers actually prefer a fresh tin of it?
I remember my first new tin of Haddo's a few years ago and I thought is was really good, but not life changing. This was around 2009. Recently I got a little from 2002 and it's amazing. Markedly different. Perhaps because of the age or that the component tobaccos were slightly different at that time. Probably a combination of the two. Either way, after this experience with the aged stuff I'd consider it among my current favorites.
My taste buds found fresh Haddos too harsh.
I jarred it up, then cracked the seal once a month for a few seconds.
At the 6 month marked it smoothed out & became really goood!
old_salt":elwjen3g said:
My taste buds found fresh Haddos too harsh.
I jarred it up, then cracked the seal once a month for a few seconds.
At the 6 month marked it smoothed out & became really goood!
Good to know. I've also found fresh Haddo's too sharp and never bothered to cellar it. But I've used Fred Hanna's baking method to tame it with great success.
Chris, keep that tin sealed for at least 2 years! Five is better. Ten is best!

I'll send you some 10 year-old. You'll want to buy at least a few more tins to age :)

(when I'm trying a new tobacco I'll usually smoke a fresh tin and then cellar as needed...but Haddo's may not need age to be enjoyed but I've only come across a few other blends that benefit as much from age as this one does)
Hey thanks for the info and suggestions.

I have never tried Fred Hanna's 220/220 method of baking a tin of tobacco. I am not too sure if I could bring myself to do so.

For now I'll just do everything in my power to resist the urge to pop this tin & shelve it instead.
My sole experience with the blend is some from '03 that I picked up from a brother--in a word, it's divine! I was actually planning on trying a fresh tin sometime soon, just to compare, but if the consensus is to cellar it than I dunno if I'm one to argue, given how tasty the aged stuff is...
I like it fresh and with age...

Here's the thing. For me, aging most blends rounds things out, melds flavors, yadda yadda yadda...but it usually tastes like the original blend, just more rounded, blended, subtle, etc. Not so, Haddo's. Fresh Haddo's is delicious. Aged is also delicious. But, and this just one man's opinion, they taste like different blends. Fresh, it's a bit sweet (from the topping), the VAs are sharp (in a good way), and the perique is usually at the front. Aged, the topping is almost absent (moreso the longer it ages), the VAs are mellowed, and perique just kinda sings in the back.

My advice? Buy a tin for now and a few for age...but when the time comes to crack the aged tins, don't compare it to the fresh. Enjoy both for what they are, and just pretend they're not the same blend at all.

Also, +1 to Yak. Blackpoint doesn't seem to get enough play on the forums...it's kind of a run-of-the-mill VaPerLat (not bad, just not super noteworthy) if you have it fresh or only slightly aged. Stick 3 years or more on that sucker, and it is incomparable.

Edit: In fairness, this all comes from a big fan of GLP blends, so take it for what its worth!
Not much I can add here.

I've had the experience of aged Haddo's, and it's sublime. Young is fine, aged is mo better.

Still kicks my lil' arse even aged. Worth it tho....


idbowman":sdlh03mx said:
I like it fresh and with age...

Here's the thing. For me, aging most blends rounds things out, melds flavors, yadda yadda yadda...but it usually tastes like the original blend, just more rounded, blended, subtle, etc. Not so, Haddo's. Fresh Haddo's is delicious. Aged is also delicious. But, and this just one man's opinion, they taste like different blends. Fresh, it's a bit sweet (from the topping), the VAs are sharp (in a good way), and the perique is usually at the front. Aged, the topping is almost absent (moreso the longer it ages), the VAs are mellowed, and perique just kinda sings in the back.

My advice? Buy a tin for now and a few for age...but when the time comes to crack the aged tins, don't compare it to the fresh. Enjoy both for what they are, and just pretend they're not the same blend at all.

Also, +1 to Yak. Blackpoint doesn't seem to get enough play on the forums...it's kind of a run-of-the-mill VaPerLat (not bad, just not super noteworthy) if you have it fresh or only slightly aged. Stick 3 years or more on that sucker, and it is incomparable.

Edit: In fairness, this all comes from a big fan of GLP blends, so take it for what its worth!
I appreciate the info and your taking the time to post, as I am too a huge GL Pease fan. As it turns out I just happen to have a tin of 2008 Blackpoint, so hearing your and Yak's input on BP is music to my ears.

You know, I think I am going to crack this tin of Haddo's tomorrow. If anything I'll have a reference point to work from tasting it fresh. I love Perique so I don't think it will do any harm. I am certain I'll warm up to Haddo's in no time.

Shane - I'll take you up on that offer for a sample of aged Haddo's. thanks brotha. :D

Thanks you guys, Chris
I've tried it many times over the past several years and I've come to the conclusion that it should age at least one day longer than I will live. :lol:

Can you tell that's it's just about the only of Greg's blends that I don't care for? I know it's eminantly popular among the brothers here, but we all smoke what we like and (should) like what we smoke, and that is one of a very few number of blends that never worked for me.

Just a little update after two good sized bowls of Haddo's - I think I have officially decided to age this one a bit. It has some wonderful things going on, the topping adds an excellent contrast to the intensity of the darker tobacco tones, but the Perique needs to settle down a bit in the mix. This is coming from someone who likes Perique. The end bowl goes out with a dizzying blaze of glory. Yeah this mixture left me a bit punch drunk even after a decent sized meal. :drunken: Phew, I think I need to lay down or else make my nightcap something a bit lightweight.

This tin is only a month old so I think I'll jar it up and revisit it come December or so.

Thanks again for all the info and insights.
Haddo's is great and very complex. But, fresh, I found it a bit too spicy for my tastes. The aged samples I've had are where it's at!
Okay, you guys have convinced me to let some sit for a while.
I picked up two Haddo's tins this month with five years of age on them. I'm almost scared to open them. I thought Haddo's was too "foo-foo" for me when I had a tin of it this summer. You guys are making it sound like they're gonna be great now. I'll report back when I pop em'.
Pease states that most aging benefits occur by five years; after this more slowly. For me fresh Haddos is good but aged is much better, so much better that it is truly excellent.

Ditto Cumberland.
Dang! I just been been poppin' fresh tins and smokin' them up! An open tin of Haddo's does not hang around long at my house.

Luckily I have 3 tins put up, may have to let them sit and buy a couple more. 8)