
Brothers of Briar

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Just got a tin of haddo's...I like it but it seems a bit light in the perique for a blend named after a man who smoked the stuff pure. I'll try adding a bit of blending perique. Tasty but not sure crowley would find it delightful
I have a tin of Haddo's from 2008. I cracked it open a month or so ago. It is a great blend, but I have to have it on a fresh palate.. first thing in the morning to truly appreciate it. I have found few GL Pease blends that I really enjoy. This is one of them. So is the new Sixpence. I have some of his new Six Pence aging right now. I think I still have another tin of aged Haddo's. I need to buy some more to age.
I'm really liking haddos. It could use more perique yess but the topping is delicious. I've noticed that it's looks nearly identical to old colonial which is produced by sutliff. Does GL pease use sutliff tobacco too?
Bugsahearn":9ez52suy said:
I'm really liking haddos. It could use more perique yess but the topping is delicious. I've noticed that it's looks nearly identical to old colonial which is produced by sutliff. Does GL pease use sutliff tobacco too?
Greg creates the blend and with that recipe in hand Cornell & Diehl produce all the current Pease tobaccos.
I popped a tin late 2013. Didn't care for it. Put it in a jar and still waiting. I would like to give it another year or two, but now I really want to dig into it!
Old Nate":rp9yncv7 said:
I popped a tin late 2013. Didn't care for it. Put it in a jar and still waiting. I would like to give it another year or two, but now I really want to dig into it!
For me, Haddos is much too much in every way when new. Overwhelming, harsh, and mucho strong.

Aged is another story. After a few years the flavors meld and it starts to come into its own. 5 years and it begins to really shine.

10 years and it's a classic. Still strong in flavor and nic, but in a very balanced sort of way.

I know this from a 10 yr old tin a brother once sent me, and it prompted me to get in a few tins for ageing. I'll pop the first one in a few more yrs at ~5 yrs.

Haddo's is probably my favorite GLP blend.


Haddo's as you know is named after aleister crowley. It's frequently repeated that Crowley smoked "pure perique soaked in Rum". Every pipe forum has lots of threads of smokers attempting to smoke straight perique or attempting "the crowley". I think it's probably apocryphal that crowley smoked pure rum perique personally. I have read where crowley talks about buying rolls of perique. Maybe he smoked a rum flavored perique blend that was available at the time. It's much less often repeated how crowley loved latakia. I have tried smoking 50% perique and it's tough but possible..just not very enjoyable. It would be nice to a strong perique blend with a heavy rum topping. Haddo's is nice though and I suspect it's very popular not only because crowley has so many admirers. I love strong toppings but the flavor on haddos turns me off a bit...it's reminds me of fruit flavored Turkish delight.
Pure Perique in a bowl?

Sure, when I was curious about what my grandfather was doing out by the lake, then come back grinning, I asked him what he had in the pipe. One day, when it was just he and I fishing, he handed me the pipe and I lit up. Sweet, like smoked prunes. A great head rush, that eventually drifted to my stomach.

Swimming without getting wet.

Anyway, when I make a batch of grandpa's Perique recipe, I am obligated to test it solo to check for that taste and feel, just so I know I got it right...

Never tried it rum soaked. That sounds interesting......

Maybe once it cools down.....

As far as Haddo's, it just seems a bit brassy to me. I can see how age would help. Age is the apparent bend to Pease's blends though. His blends seem to be the 401k of the tobacco world. Investing in the future, rather than indulging in the present.........
I as well much prefer Haddo's aged to fresh. I agree with Brewdude. Fresh Haddo's is harsh and overwhelming and I too enjoy perique.

Aged, it's a sublime smoke with only a trace of the topping left in it.

Crowley smoking a Dunhill it looks like? This would have been around 1947 when he died. Cool looking pipe..wonder what he's smoking
Haddo's right out of the tin is something left to be desired IMO, but Haddo's five-years aged is divine. I've got a couple of tins aging away because at five-year it really is one of the better tobaccos from GLP. Again, my opinion.
joshoowah":d8z1fhp0 said:
Haddo's right out of the tin is something left to be desired IMO, but Haddo's five-years aged is divine. I've got a couple of tins aging away because at five-year it really is one of the better tobaccos from GLP. Again, my opinion.
I agree. If you pop an older tin of Haddo's and the tobacco within has thoroughly darkened with age, you're in for a treat.

Younger versions are too rough an tumble for my tastes. Harsh doesn't quite describe it accurately. Acerbic is the best descriptor I could come up with. You say 5 years of age, I prefer 7-10. 10 (or in and around there) is amazing. A few years ago Shane Ireland sent me a generous sample from 2002 and it was mind blowingly good. Next level stuff. Thanks to him, when it comes to my preferences in Haddo's, I am quite unfortunately "utterly spoiled."
DrumsAndBeer":7a8hmzo8 said:
joshoowah":7a8hmzo8 said:
Haddo's right out of the tin is something left to be desired IMO, but Haddo's five-years aged is divine. I've got a couple of tins aging away because at five-year it really is one of the better tobaccos from GLP. Again, my opinion.
I agree. If you pop an older tin of Haddo's and the tobacco within has thoroughly darkened with age, you're in for a treat.

Younger versions are too rough an tumble for my tastes. Harsh doesn't quite describe it accurately. Acerbic is the best descriptor I could come up with. You say 5 years of age, I prefer 7-10. 10 (or in and around there) is amazing. A few years ago Shane Ireland sent me a generous sample from 2002 and it was mind blowingly good. Next level stuff. Thanks to him, when it comes to my preferences in Haddo's, I am spoiled.

Agree wholeheartedly. I once had a brother send me a 10 yr old tin and it was sublime beyond measure. Still had a good nic-kick, but the flavors were very well developed. One of my most memorable tins.



I've been hoarding Haddo's. I think I have some half pounders from around 2008. Getting really close there!
juanmedusa":38tg64i6 said:
I've been hoarding Haddo's. I think I have some half pounders from around 2008. Getting really close there!
Lucky you. I haven't come across too many older tins of it for sale. So I have been concentrating more on stuff that's good to smoke now, knowing that it will be even better later.
DrumsAndBeer":ml2g3s6h said:
juanmedusa":ml2g3s6h said:
I've been hoarding Haddo's. I think I have some half pounders from around 2008. Getting really close there!
Lucky you. I haven't come across too many older tins of it for sale. So I have been concentrating more on stuff that's good to smoke now, knowing that it will be even better later.
I know what you mean. A couple years ago I was able to get one of those old style 2 ounce tins of it from the very early 2000's. The ones that are cylindrical, taller than wide. It was pretty easy to snag and more affordable than the same would be today.

A quick Haddo's inventory,

I've got several 2ounce tins from 2010 to one as late as 2014. The pair of half pounders are actually from 2012. But alas, there is another lone half pounder from way back in 2004. That's the gem at this point. I'd say it's ready!
I'm not a big fan of VaPers and this is one of Gregs fuller versions so It really does not smoke well for me. I tried it "fresh" back when it first came out and I bought a tin at my local B&M several years ago and found it VERY HARSH and way too peppery for me. I gave the tin away as I recall. Two years ago I was gifted a 6 yo tin and found a somewhat different blend with the harshness smoothed out and the pepper essence much less but still not what I like so I passed it on to a friend. GLPs blending and me just don't coincide so I'll stick with what the folks up in KC and over in Denmark produce !! :twisted: :twisted:
juanmedusa":l1omafxa said:
DrumsAndBeer":l1omafxa said:
juanmedusa":l1omafxa said:
I've been hoarding Haddo's. I think I have some half pounders from around 2008. Getting really close there!
Lucky you. I haven't come across too many older tins of it for sale. So I have been concentrating more on stuff that's good to smoke now, knowing that it will be even better later.
I know what you mean. A couple years ago I was able to get one of those old style 2 ounce tins of it from the very early 2000's. The ones that are cylindrical, taller than wide. It was pretty easy to snag and more affordable than the same would be today.

A quick Haddo's inventory,

I've got several 2ounce tins from 2010 to one as late as 2014. The pair of half pounders are actually from 2012. But alas, there is another lone half pounder from way back in 2004. That's the gem at this point. I'd say it's ready!

Ya, go ahead and bust out that '04 and let us know what you think. Should be plenty ready!



juanmedusa":sgdplsck said:
...I've got several 2ounce tins from 2010 to one as late as 2014. The pair of half pounders are actually from 2012. But alas, there is another lone half pounder from way back in 2004.
Eww...that's old and nasty, I'll bet. I'll PM you my address if you want to get rid of it. Actually, referring to the OP, I do like it fresh 'cause I'm a perique fiend. If I have an open tin of a heavy perique blend, I can't smoke anything else. Everything else just seems wimpy to me. Yes, fresh Haddo's has a raw quality, call it an edge, but I like it, including the rather assertive top dressing or whatever it is. But that's because I'm a fiend, and that's what fiends do. If the "edge" were mellowed or softened by aging, I'm not so sure I would like it. I may find out, to a degree, 'cause I do have an 8 ounce tin a couple of years old, if I ever get to it. Hope it's not ruined. [Giggle.]