Half and Half

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2012
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Good evening Brothers,

Tonight I decided to smoke my Dad's favorite tobacco, Half and Half. Dad smoked his pipe for over sixty years and I never saw him use any other blend than Half and Half. Being somewhat serious about his pipes and tobacco he often stated that anyone who smoked any tobacco other than Half and Half was devoid of fine character. common sense, and was probably a "little light in their shoes." Dad could be somewhat free with his opinions not caring if one agreed with him. Rest his soul he was an endless source of amusement. Enough of that. Back to my experience tonight.

I found the smoke enjoyable with a nice room note. It was mild and free of bite. It also went quite well with four highball glasses of 1792 Ridgemont Reserve. I noticed that as I got near the bottom of the bowl of the Design Berlin SB73 I started to get good buzz. Needless to say I found this to be a very pleasant and unexpected surprise. If this is a normal result of smoking Half and Half then I have a new understanding appreciation of my Dad's loyalty to the brand. Any of you gentlemen experienced this remarkable buzz from Half and Half? :drunken: :)
I have taste that wonderful tobacco! It is very balanced for me and very enjoyable till the end of the bowl!
I have hear that there are two blends, one from Europe and one from America! I think that I have try the American and it was very pleasant. I want to try and the European to see the differences.
My dad told me Half & Half was the only thing my great-grandfather smoked. I aim to try some but I have not found a local place that sells it.
The country general store near our cabin always has a tin of Half and Half on the shelf. I am tempted to give it a try every time I am going through the checkout.
FWIW, I'd say it's just ok. For me it lacked body and taste, a bit like smoking warm (sometimes hot) air. Also, it tasted and smelled kinda cigarettey to me. I've found some pipesters only smoke H&H, partially because it was Dad's fav (nothing wrong with that) and partially because it's easy to load, light and keep lit. Also good for breaking in a pipe because it doesn't leave a signature. Really, with half burley and half Virginia you can make a lot worse choice.

P.S. Out of curiosity I checked the tobacco review site on H&H. Interesting thing -- there were a lot of reviews, but the first bunch mde it sound like there's more than one H&Hs out there. I remember the one that was (literally) half Virginia and half Burley. Others said they wer reviewing a tobacco that had just a touch of Virginia. Still others detected a strong licorice taste and aroma.
One of my great uncles smoked half & half in dr. Grabows his entire life. Wouldn't even consider trying something else.

I wound up with a few sealed foil pouches of it after he passed away, which I transferred to mason jars.

The few times I've tried it, I didn't really care for it - and I'd be happy to send samples of it to anyone who is looking to try it or would just like to have it.

PM me your name and address and I'll send it your way.

I returned to the office this morning and found a package of Half & Half waiting on me. Thank you Roogles for sending this my way so I can try it. I have been gone almost a week on a High School band trip with my son. This gets to be my first smoke after a no smoking allowed trip.

I am excited to experience a little nostalgia in honor of my great-grandfather. I look forward to a little pipe time remembering my days as a little tot at his feet.
There are at least two versions of H&H. There is one sold in Europe. I don't care at all for that one. Anise out the ying yang. I like the one sold here in the USofA. Simple, predictable and practical. Stuff it, light it and forget it. Just don't push it too hard. It will bite if pushed. I get the aroma and taste of coconut from it. I've known only one other person who does. I like the stuff.
I understand the nostalgic aspect, but just don't care for it. It lacks body and strength, and is heavily cased. Expect the buzz was from the booze. I have tried several of the old OTCs several times, and just can't like them. Just my 2¢.
ajn27511":gmm022uf said:
Good evening Brothers,

Tonight I decided to smoke my Dad's favorite tobacco, Half and Half. Dad smoked his pipe for over sixty years and I never saw him use any other blend than Half and Half. Being somewhat serious about his pipes and tobacco he often stated that anyone who smoked any tobacco other than Half and Half was devoid of fine character. common sense, and was probably a "little light in their shoes." Dad could be somewhat free with his opinions not caring if one agreed with him. Rest his soul he was an endless source of amusement. Enough of that. Back to my experience tonight.

I found the smoke enjoyable with a nice room note. It was mild and free of bite. It also went quite well with four highball glasses of 1792 Ridgemont Reserve. I noticed that as I got near the bottom of the bowl of the Design Berlin SB73 I started to get good buzz. Needless to say I found this to be a very pleasant and unexpected surprise. If this is a normal result of smoking Half and Half then I have a new understanding appreciation of my Dad's loyalty to the brand. Any of you gentlemen experienced this remarkable buzz from Half and Half? :drunken: :)
My dad has always been dedicated H/H puffer and still to this day wont touch anything else. My father was the guy whose example led me to the hobby, and H/H is something familiar to me from my earliest memories. I could recognize the particular smell anywhere. Whereas its not my cup o tea, it holds a very special place in my heart nd always will. Interestingly, I remember seeing an old ad for it, that described it as being a tobacco for both the pipe and the cigarette smoker
Basically no false advertising here. 1/2 burley, 1/2 virginia. I guess if you try Virginia and it is too full flavored for you then this can deliver a hint of the same flavor. For the last generation who smoked all day, I can see where a heavy Virginia could have been overwhelming after multiple pipes.

I seldom smoke from my burley stash and am not a fan of tobacco that primarily tastes like cigarettes. While smoking Half & Half, I try to focus on picking out the virginia profile.

If you really like a nice Bordeaux wine, try mixing it half and half with water. You probably could still taste a little of the wine and you could drink twice as much of it. I think I will stick with one glass and let it stay at full flavor.
I'm working my way through a 12 oz bucket of Half and Half right now and my opinion is mixed about it, I do enjoy the flavour but I find they use too much humectant and the tobbac stays far too moist for my enjoyment although I did manage to remedy that but taking half the tin and more or less soaking it with 40 creek(canadian whisky) letting it mingle for 3 days sealed and pouring it into a shallow dish for a day and a half to dry the result was when the whisky evaporated it took out some of that humectant reducing the sloppy goop I was getting in the last half of the bowl but not enough that the tobacco gets to dry and hot either, and as an added bonus it left behind a nice mild whisky flavour and essence that makes me like it all the much more and dulling that wierd cooling sensation(I'm told its anise but I'm not familiar with anise enough to judge so i just call it wierd). All in all I must admit its a great tobacco and my issues with it are in the humectant and the casing which whisky seems to remedy fine to my taste. I actually can see myself buying more.
This was my smoke for years mixed equal parts with captain black gold, I loved the flavor and everyone in the shop loved the aroma. It was a win/win situation until the company was bought out and a no smoking policy took place.
I gotta agree with Doc, I've done the half and half and half with cb gold and I also loved it everything rounds out so nice together its probably the best drug store concoction I've ever tried and the CB gold helps knock down the wetness that bugs me so much about the HH.
I saw that Doc posted this so I tried it. It's good! A great fishing smoke and great indoors too. Very good taste, great room note. Thanks Doc!
Glad you guys like the H&H and CBG blending. That's a most simple concoction that many can enjoy with OTC tobaccos and is very satisfying for me personally. My tastes in tobacco changes constantly from aromatics, to orientals and Virginias. As for the Perique mixtures not very much except for a few. Of course Escudo is a given, the one by which all others are judged.
I agree Doc I'm the same way I like to change things up all the time and after 6 years of pipe smoking I still havn't found a daily/permanent blend. It all depends on my mood at the time. Although I usually always blend down my aromatics. I do enjoy aromatics alot but I don't have much of a sweet tooth(I was diabetic since I was a kid) but I love the creamyness and heavyness of the smoke that seems to only come from aromatics. The HH CBG mix though is truly unique it seems to bring out the best of everything in both tobacco's its thick and creamy, nutty and chocolatey, sweet smooth and mild, no matter how much I smoke it I don't think I got bit by it yet. I must admit I truly enjoy it alot. I always thought I was the only one because all of the pipesmokers I knew before joining this site were total pipe snobs and they condemn any drugstore blends before even smelling them. I bet if I poured it into jars and told them it came from somewhere fancy they would dish out mad cash for it lol.

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