Happy Birthday Jason!

Brothers of Briar

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tin man

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Ya' old geezer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :face:

Many happy returns. :cheers:

Happy Birthday Jason,just one more day closer to the end ehhh. Just think in 30 years or so you can draw Social Security, that is if the illegals don't push you out of your job,and if its still there and you actually live that long .Not very likely with crime up, and all the new desease's they keep finding, not to mention accidents.Course you'll probably end up in a Gov. Funded nursing home if you do make it. Social Security won't pay for decent help so you'll end up with bed sores and be underfed and unwashed. Well of course I'm assuming one of these crazy nations don't get us with Chemical,Biological,Nuclear weapons, which is very likely at this point.

Have a Wonderful Day Bro. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Wow! After PB's cheer-ya-up happy b-day shpeel all I can offer is some cyanide capsules. :lol!:

Happy birthday old man!
Happy Birthday Jason!

Ah to be that age again! It only gets better my friend!
You guys sure know how to make a guy feel great on his birthday! :lol:
Happy Birthday Jason. The scary thing is, I have shoes older than you :D :D :D
Happy Birthday Jason!

If you can't stand the heat...stay away from the birthday cake! :lol!:

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Don't worry about being old just yet. You can start worrying when the compliments you get of "That pipe reminds me of my grandfather," change to, "You remind me of my grandfather."

But if you had a pipe in that picture above you just might....nahhh.

Enjoy your day,
Happy B'day My Friend, I'll save some of the kidney stones I'm now passing for you!! :tongue: Ken
Pacem en Birthday! :tongue: :tongue: :pirat: :tongue:

Here's wishing you 36 more!

Happy Birthday Jason!!!! I hope we all celebrate a few more on this site with you :cyclops: :sunny: :affraid:
Those 36 more Docks wishing on ya would put ya at 72. That's a nice long life. Of course that would also mean your at your midlife, so its ok to go buy ya a vette for your Bday. :). A midlife crisis if you will :)

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