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Brothers of Briar

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Oct 15, 2017
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Missouri Ozarks
...closed the car door on your thumb?

Sheeitt that hurts! It's all black and blue and swollen.
It's still throbbing like a slubmovitch! :x
You don't realize how much you use your thumb until something happens to it.
Smashed mine at work one time..I had to have a hole drilled in the nail to relieve the pressure.Man did it hurt.
Corncobcon":me4ec94j said:
You don't realize how much you use your thumb until something happens to it.
I think this statement goes for about everything. But yes I have... more than once unfortunately. One time it was all four fingers in the sliding door of a van, not fun
Unwanted and intrusive advice from an old Army Medic:

Bro...you should get that checked out (via X-Ray). You could easily have a broken bone or maybe have injured a tendon, etc.  If badly injured and left untreated by a professional the healing process could take far longer and/or you might end up with limited or impaired use of your hand.  Seriously.

Don’t make me come back there!  8)

Jeez!  It’s like herding cats. :x

PS:  if you want to really cringe, google “mangled hand”, and check out the images.  It’ll give ya the willeys fer sure.
Actually, yes I have.

I was 13 years old and slammed my thumb in door of my father's Dodge Aspen station wagon.

You know what the worst part of it was?

We were in the parking lot of the local music shop picking up my first real set of drums! I had to wait over a week for my thumb to heal well enough to play them! :face:
Yeah, it was throbbing all night and this morning I went into town to the urgent care center. The doc took an xray(which came out negative), poked and prodded at it, and then told me it was fine and would probably hurt for another day or two! I should have been a doctor so I could tell injured people what they already know! :x
Not my thumb, just my whole hand. This is what my face did.... :pale:

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