Hi! Thanks everybody for your welcoming response.
well, I´ve bought a dozen of good "estate"-pipes, and new ones also, at our local "e-bay" which is called "Tradera.se". The favourite is a hand-crafted "Volker Bier" from Germany. I just put a bid for a "meershaum"-pipe to use for fine detection of aromas.
About tobacco it´s a little more difficult, since smoking prohibition is working it´s way to the extent that pipe-tobacco isn´t found everywhere, so either I have to travel quite a bit, some 100 miles or order over the Internet.
Costs are in the region of 20-30 dollars (150-210 SEK) for between 40 to 50 g pouches. Expensive!
What is there to choose? Well check at www.gotteftermaten.se and you can see the different brands available.
That´s a pity. I would have liked to try one of Stonehaven´s since I´ve read so much good about that brand.
So far I´m in for straight or slightly bent saddle-billiard or billiard models, but of course I will try more of different kinds. My pipe journey has just begun. I quit cigarettes 6 monts ago, but I´m a sucker for my vices, a glass of wine, a cup of coffee and a really good smoke. I love it!