I've smoked the occasional cigar for years. I decided to try a pipe a few months ago. Started with a couple MM and cheap briars. Bought a Peterson system pipe yesterday on Evilbay. Lookin' forward to giving it a try. I'm open for suggestions on tobacco to try. I think the wife prefers the pipes over cigars, but still have to keep it outside. I'm thinking about trying a church warden next. Any thoughts on that?
I own a couple of Churchwarden pipes and have no hesitation in recommending a Peterson Churchwarden. I've read on BOB that Savinelli Churchwardens are also a good purchase.
Welcome, I too was a cigar smoker for years, now I'm down to 1 a month. Try flakes or English blends. I don't care for aromatics, they remind me of black and milds.