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Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
B of B Supporter
Oct 10, 2021
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Santa Clara County, CA.
I have just joined this board as the board I have belonged to will be closing down at the end of the month. I had heard about this board, but never got around to joining. I have been currently smoking a pipe for going on 18 years, When I was really young back in the late 1960s I would smoke a pipe for a month or two the quit and latter come back after 6 months or so. I eventually quit and didn't smoke a pipe until 2003. I started up again and one thing lead to another and I now have about 40+ pipes. I lean towards Peterson and Boswell for my pipe. In fact I just received my Peterson Halloween Pipe in a size 312 today and will start breaking it in tomorrow.
Welcome from AZ from a Cali refugee. Question, how long before you think you will leave CA, lol? Just kidding. Yep, Pete's are great. Think I'm up to 7 or 8 now.
When I was really young back in the late 1960s . . .
Is that a typo? From your picture it looks like you were young in the 1860's!
I can relate to putting down the pipes for intermittent (sometimes very long) periods. It has taken me years to learn what tobaccos I like and the technique of getting maximum enjoyment with a pipe.
I wish I could play my trombones as well as I can smoke my pipes!
So a big western Howdy! Please tell us more about your tobacco preferences (seems like you enjoy English mixtures?)
Shh! Don’t tell anybody, but I fought in the Civil War 😎. Actually I do civil war reenacting
so that is why I chose that avatar. You are correct as I do lean towards English blends. I do have a couple of pipes I use for aromatics, but that is all. I really like Peterson and Boswell pipes.
Welcome from Long Island ,NY Most of my pipes are 20+ year old Pete`s or Danish Bari pipes.
You fooled me. I thought you might be a civil war re-enactor but then I thought there weren't any reenactments in California. Just goes to show what happens when I think too much.

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