
Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
Hi All,

Just found this site and wanted to take a minute to say hello and introduce myself. I have been smoking a pipe for close to thirteen years. Worked in a tobacco shop for about nine years before moving to Richmond, VA with my wife and daughter. Been in Richmond for three years now and love the place. I've run the course as far as pipes. At one time I had over three hundred pipes and then it hit me that I was into buying pipes more than enjoying smoking pipes. Since then, I have trimed the collection down to only a handful of great smokers and now smoke to enjoy the experience. (Soul seaching aspect I guess) :pipe:

I primarily like English blends heavy in Latakia, but enjoy trying other blends as well.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and I look forward to chatting with everyone in the future.

Welcome aboard! I used to be a major Latakia freak. Wouldn't smoke a blend unless it was close to or better than 50% of the Demon Weed. Lost my taste for the stuff almost overnight. I now smoke mostly Virginias. I am beginning to believe that it is almost a natural progression as you get older.
SmokeyTweed":i2s4z78n said:
300 pipes eh? not too shabby.
It was a nice collection. I stress WAS. Then a couple of things happened. First, the realization hit me that I was no longer smoking a lot of the pipes I was picking up. It had turned into an obsession to "get the next pipe" and I was loosing the joy of actually smoking them. Second, I ran into some dental issues that prevented me from smoking my larger pipes, (which made up most of my collection at the time). So I did a major "thinning the herd", pretty much put down the pipe for a while and started big time with cigars. It wasn't long before I noticed that all cigars pretty much taste the same and that I really missed the different flavors of pipe tobacco. So now I'm back to pipes and have a collection that is more like a "pack" instead of a herd. I smoke all of the pipes in my meager collection and now find that I am able to "enjoy the experience" again. I will only buy a pipe if I intend to smoke it. If it doesn't get smoked, it's gone. (It's the only way I've found to control my obsessive/compulsive tendancies) :lol:


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