As far as I know,the people indigenous to this USA(Turtle Island)didn't smoke any of the "herbal blends" available today.The People on the Eastern front actually used the nicotene-containing herb we call tobacco.When the Lakota migrated to the plains and prairies,they started smoking the inner bark of the Red Willow tree....not the white part,but the brown;calling it cansasa,they mostly used it in their most sacred ceremonies ,and in serious business between each other.
Tobacco was also used in what we call "spirit ties"as offering to the spiritual entities,and when the Lakota got to the Black Hills,they had to find a substitute,as the original plant wasn't around.
There is a sacred protocol to use of the canunpa(sacred pipe).And please don't refer to it as a "peace pipe"......the idea behind smoking with the other people involved in an agreement or treaty was to cement the promises in a way in which they could never be broken.The smoke from the canunpa went into the hearts of them in agreement,and then,upon exhaling, would rise to the Akitchita,the messengers of the Creator,and they would tell Him of the promises made.
There is a company making a"Powwow Blend",I hear it is tasty.I personally use burley/cansasa mixed in the canunpa.