Here we go again - another Patton blend, but different.

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Oct 23, 2010
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Oregon City, Oregon - USA
Do I love the blends designed by John Patton? Short form answer: Yes!

How is it possible that these blends went off the radar for so long? I've been a pipe smoker since the 1970's and I can honestly say that I've smoked a ba-zillion blends. Well, close anyway. And while we all have some that we like and some that we don't...and given that my taste in tobacco blends is kind of like something that's always just slightly out of reach and on the move...leading me ever onward in the search for the grail...the Patton blends have formed a central core in my that I believe will maintain that position.

What's so special about his blends? Many things. First of all - flavor. They represent real, unadulterated tobacco flavors, which is what I look for. Second? They arrive almost dry...ideal smoking moisture. I really appreciate this. Third? They are not timid, shy blends. They are bursting with flavors...even the more subtle of his blends typically have more flavor that most other blends I smoke (except perhaps some of the Gawith blends...but those are totally different). Also his blends show a fine balance in most cases (though Cool Hand Fluke is heavy in Perique, it's supposed to be!). The blends I've really come to like are his blends containing VA, perhaps Burley, Perique, Turkish and or Orientals...and cigar leaf. The interplay of flavors is just excellent...the overall effect is more than's addictive. He does some amazing Latakia forward blends I'm told, but I wouldn't know because I can no longer smoke Latakia blends (in any percentage).

So with the above in mind, here's what I've gone and done. I asked John if there were blends of his that might have a very small amount of Latakia, which, if it were to be removed or replaced with something else, would still be considered by him to be 'intact'. I suggested three potential candidates and he commented on each. I finally chose the following blend for my little experiment:

Soulmate's Kiss

Tin Description: Turkish, Oriental Virginia, 2 Burleys, Latakia and Perique produces a medium strength Oriental/Balkan blend with a smooth, full range of flavors.
Country of Origin: US
Curing Group: Air Cured
Contents: Burley, Virginia, Perique, Oriental, Turkish and Latakia.
Cut: Coarse Cut

So I got hold of 4-Noggins and placed a Special Order for a half pound of Soulmate's Kiss...with the Latakia to be replaced in an equal amount, with Cigar Leaf. It seems like that would keep it firmly in the Patton tradition, provide another exciting blend with which to play and not impart even a hint of Latakia to my easily offended taste buds.

I think it's totally cool that there are vendors out there where this is possible. Pretty amazing service...and for the same cost as any of the other blends go for.

I'm really looking forward to this, and will post my impressions here as always...and will be trying to thiink up a new name for this 'adjusted' blend. Soulmate's Stogie?
Public Notice: Blackhorse is attempting to make me spend all my money and make my wife leave me!

I will not eat your green eggs and ham Sam I am.

Aww shucks.....maybe I will if this thread gets long enough. First just let me finish my Oriental Dusk I just ordered.
Being as BH and I seem to have similar tastes in many blends and he has never steered me wrong yet, I'll certainly be keeping a close watch on his description of this blend with the substitution of cigar leaf for the Latakia. So far I've loved every Patton blend I've had.

Looks like BoB will be keeping Rich at 4 Nog busy these days.

Bring it on Dave!



After having received the halfer of Soulmate's Kiss with the cigar leaf added in place of the standard Latakia component, here's an initial impression.

What I've done is to place it among my other 3 favorite Patton blends and included the descriptions of all four provided by the blender (u nderlined) and few of my own notes.

Here they are:

Crossroads: An 80% mix of 3 distinctive Virginias, Turkish Izmir in a minor role, and just enough Cigar Leaf for accent, gives this medium strength blend loads of unique flavor. First in the 4-some in terms of being lightest. Excellent light Turkish flavors that are consistant all the way though the bowl. A perfect 'first smoke' blend. Also an ideal all day blend.

Oriental Dusk: Oriental and Cigar Leaf dominate this five tobacco blend, with both Virginia and Burley in supporting roles. This is a tasty medium strength smoke. Smoking this blend is consistantly described as being presented with potent, layered and alternating flavors of the Oriental and Cigar leaf, which is my experience as well.

Soulmate's Kiss w Cigar Leaf: Turkish, Oriental, Perique, Cigar Leaf on top of Virginia and 2 Burleys produces a medium strength Oriental/Balkan blend with a smooth, full range of flavors. The Turkish/Oriental and Cigar Leaf alternate coming forward with the Perique always subtly detectible. The background of Burleys and VA are a base on which the other flavors are presented. When young, the blend doesn't exhibit what I've come to think of as the standard Patton 'base casing' of a very subtle sort of apricot aroma...but it may well come forward more as it melds. Rough cut for sure, it's still easy to pack and took off with the first light and needed none further. Specific details of this one are yet to be discovered. Compared to Oriental Dusk, this has the addition of the Perique (very subtle) and perhaps another Oriental component and likely a slightly different base of Burley/VA. The flavors are also generally very pronounced and will likely end up about even with Oriental Dusk in terms of how pronounced they are, but with a somewhat more complex interplay of flavors. It certainly will be another winner.

Storm Front: Two cube cut Burleys combined with cigar leaf. Meaty, sweet, and smokey. This is the deepest and darkest of the 4 blends. Much has been written about this one...a true classic...the best of the American Burley blends on every level.
Very comprehensive and well stated Dave.

I've been really getting into the Oriental Dusk and Crossroads profile these days. Both of which could be an all day smoke for me, at least.

Soulmate's Kiss with the substitution of Cigar leaf instead of the Lat?

Bring it on!



i didn't see Crossroads on the site - did I miss it or is this something that is no more?
Actually, you can order it by putting any of the blends in the cart and then typing in the name of the blend you really want...ANY of his other blends (see at the review site) in the customer comments box at the end of the order process. Prior to the last thing, which is paying of course. Also, special orders are an 8 oz minimum.
Blackhorse":kkcmsezt said:
Actually, you can order it by putting any of the blends in the cart and then typing in the name of the blend you really want...ANY of his other blends (see at the review site) in the customer comments box at the end of the order process. Prior to the last thing, which is paying of course. Also, special orders are an 8 oz minimum.
The only problem with what Blackhorse mentioned is that there might be a few blends of mine that Rich doesn't have recipes for. I'm not sure, but I seem to recall Rich asking me not to give him my last few blends because he was much too busy to handle them. But since then he has hired some help.
Is there an official list of Mr. Patton's blends somewhere, or are they all pretty much listed on

I would love to peruse the menu for future purchase considerations. :D

Muchas Gracias.
Blackhorse":gn9ragw8 said:
Actually, you can order it by putting any of the blends in the cart and then typing in the name of the blend you really want...ANY of his other blends (see at the review site) in the customer comments box at the end of the order process. Prior to the last thing, which is paying of course. Also, special orders are an 8 oz minimum.
This is true.

Yet equally, I like to call Rich and check to make sure he has the components to do these special blends.........which I just did today aamof..........and now have a lb ea of Crossroads and Soulmate's Kiss (with the Latakia component substituted with cigar leaf) on the way.



You'll find the Crossroads to be much like your sample. It'll catch up with not too long a melding time.

The Soulmate's Kiss CL is very fresh. By this I mean that the blend burns sharp...depending on the pipe. In most briars I've smoked it in it's really sharp, with VERY pronounced Orientals and easily identified Cigar Leaf flavors. If you read through the few reviews on the TR site you'll see a recurring theme...that many find a crossrange of his blends to start out sharp/harsh...then settle into their groove fairly quickly. This is certainly the profile on the SK-CL. And I'm finding the variation from bowl to bowl pretty significant as well. But I think this one has perhaps the most promise for goodness down the road. All the elements are there and you can taste them coming and going, and in a tall narrow cob like the Freehand they really sing. So if you find it harsh to your taste now, try the cob, then put it away for a few weeks and re-try. I think by Christmas it will be killer.

DrumsAndBeer":zdxyz8vg said:
Is there an official list of Mr. Patton's blends somewhere, or are they all pretty much listed on

I would love to peruse the menu for future purchase considerations. :D

Muchas Gracias.
All my blend are listed on Tobacco Reviews. Thanks for all the interest.
Marty Pulvers":tukapfoq said:
One comment I will make regarding tobacco tasting is how extremely dubious I am of those who taste such a wide variety of styles . . . and seem to like the vast majority of them. How is that possible? I have to accept that it is possible, but a palate that can find favor (and flavor) in such disparate tobaccos as aromatics and latakia blends is beyond my ken.
Maybe that is why it is best that I stay out of the arena.
:face: :cat:
Well, it looks like I've got some new Patton blends to try. I'm already enjoying Stormfront, Fluke, and Virginia Squire. BH never steers me wrong.
femure wrote:

BH never steers me wrong.

femur...this is a heavy burden bro! Whether or not you like something I suggest it totally dependent on your tastes and how they match up with mine. I learned that early on that when playing on the Tobacco Review Site. The greatest boon to finding blends that I liked was to look for positive reviews on blends that I also liked and then look at other blends that same reviewed had reviewed. If I found a significant number of 'matches' so to speak I considered that reviewed to be a bellweather, etc. I found 3-4 that matched me very closely and followed their lead - and it worked out very well indeed. Obvious, yes, but a valuable practice.
No one":25hngbr4 said:
One comment I will make regarding food tasting is how extremely dubious I am of those who taste such a wide variety of styles . . . and seem to like the vast majority of them. How is that possible? I have to accept that it is possible, but a palate that can find favor (and flavor) in such disparate foods as Mexican and Chinese foods is beyond my ken.
Maybe that is why it is best that I stay out of the arena.
Yep. Still seems to be a ridiculous statement.
gravel":zxmdf4tv said:
No one":zxmdf4tv said:
One comment I will make regarding food tasting is how extremely dubious I am of those who taste such a wide variety of styles . . . and seem to like the vast majority of them. How is that possible? I have to accept that it is possible, but a palate that can find favor (and flavor) in such disparate foods as Mexican and Chinese foods is beyond my ken.
Maybe that is why it is best that I stay out of the arena.
Yep. Still seems to be a ridiculous statement.
Excellent edit. Adds some perspective to the statement.