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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2013
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No offence if you choose to spend big $$... your choice, your pipes.

I'm just speaking from the point-of-view from the average "little guy", who's thankful to be able to afford this hobby at all.

Expensive pipes are beautiful, and represent the very best of the art of pipe-making.

I just can't afford it... neither can most "guy on the street" pipe smokers.

Us little fellows are just trying to get along with what we can.

Best Regards to Expensive Pipe smokers... but especially to the regular Joes!

I won't spend a fortune on a pipe; I'm too clumsy.   ;) 
I do have a bunch of em between 2 and 4 hundred, though.
I like pretty pipes.   :cheers:

Don't gimme that "can't afford em" crap.
Priorities, man; priorities.   :lol!:
"Don't gimme that "can't afford em" crap."

Really, laughing out loud!

DramaTwist, I don't think you've offended anyone!

As Hermit says, its all about priorities. If my wife and I had kids or a mortgage there is no way I'd be spending money on pipes! After all, it's a luxury.

Hermit, so what is it? Two or four hundred? There is a big difference!  :lol!: 
Ocelot55":su2npr7o said:
DramaTwist, I don't think you've offended anyone!

As Hermit says, its all about priorities. If my wife and I had kids or a mortgage there is no way I'd be spending money on pipes! After all, it's a luxury.

Hermit, so what is it? Two or four hundred? There is a big difference!  :lol!: 
Well, fer instance, this one was $430.  
I couldn't pull the trigger fast enough.  :twisted: 
I was powerless to resist.
I'm one poor SOB being on SS but, I'm lucky enough that my living expenses are low and I'm able to afford some higher dollar pipes (under $300).
Although I like the real high dollar pipes and would love to have all my racks full of them, I really can't justify spending $400 - $1000 or more on a pipe that I'd not only be afraid to smoke but, just can't afford without a mortgage. So, you see your not the only cheap, poor bastard here. I can't even afford one of Ocelot's pipes unless he'd give me a Layaway plan. LOL!
Cartaphilus":juz6uqlt said:
I'm one poor SOB being on SS but, I'm lucky enough that my living expenses are low and I'm able to afford some higher dollar pipes (under $300).
Although I like the real high dollar pipes and would love to have all my racks full of them, I really can't justify spending $400 - $1000 or more on a pipe that I'd not only be afraid to smoke but, just can't afford without a mortgage. So, you see your not the only cheap, poor bastard here. I can't even afford one of Ocelot's pipes unless he'd give me a Layaway plan. LOL!
Damn nice post and damn nice opinions!

Thank the Lord we have some guys in overalls around here!

Best Regards,
Cartaphilus":9uksqrry said:
I'm one poor SOB being on SS but, I'm lucky enough that my living expenses are low and I'm able to afford some higher dollar pipes (under $300).
Although I like the real high dollar pipes and would love to have all my racks full of them, I really can't justify spending $400 - $1000 or more on a pipe that I'd not only be afraid to smoke but, just can't afford without a mortgage. So, you see your not the only cheap, poor bastard here. I can't even afford one of Ocelot's pipes unless he'd give me a Layaway plan. LOL!

For me, it has to be a very special pipe to approach 400; I prolly wouldn't go any higher.
I'd be afraid to smoke a thousand dollar pipe.  I paid 357.50 for this Ser Jacopo and
dropped and dented it while smoking outside; it rolled off a cheap pipe stand.    :x 

BTW: Mark Tinsky's pipes are a great value for somebody who wants a pretty pipe.
I own and smoke what today would be "high end" pipes but at the time I bought them, they were mid-level quality pipes. I acquired almost all of mine over 30 years ago and have only bought 5 "new" pipes over the past 3 years with 3 of them being "estates" . Except for my Altinok meer I got last year, the most I ever paid for a pipe was $65.00 so I would have a problem, head wise as well as $ wise spending what most "high ends" cost today. But for those who have the do re me and can have at it !! 'Course having acquired over 90 pipe over the past 40 years means I really have NO NEED for a "new" one  :twisted: 
monbla256":86pz58u9 said:
I own and smoke what today would be "high end" pipes but at the time I bought them, they were mid-level quality pipes. I acquired almost all of mine over 30 years ago and have only bought 5 "new" pipes over the past 3 years with 3 of them being "estates" . Except for my Altinok meer I got last year, the most I ever paid for a pipe was $65.00 so I would have a problem, head wise as well as $ wise spending what most "high ends" cost today. But for those who have the do re me and can have at it !! 'Course having acquired over 90 pipe over the past 40 years means I really have NO NEED for a "new" one   :twisted: 
So, you're basically saying "Ha-ha!"?

Best Regards,

Most of my high grades were estates. If you play your cards right you can get the most crazy pipes for cheap! I've had an Eltang I paid $280 for, a $75 Dunhill, $200 Rad Davis etc. The most expensive pipe I own is a Jeff Gracik that was bought brand new for $695. HOWEVER the cash I used to buy that pipe came from pipes that I sold at the KC show. To me it was an investment. That was a great show because my sales paid for the trip and bought me some nice pipes!

And once again, cobs smoke far better than any pipe based on price/smoking quality.
Dramatwist":dzh7yoc1 said:
So, you're basically saying "Ha-ha!"?

Best Regards,
Pretty sure that's not what he said.
He was lucky enough to buy some nice pipes before inflation.   ;) 

A lot of us have an appreciation for pretty pipes, but we don't have any snobs here.
I have a lot of cheapies that smoke great.
Like this pretty Kaywoodie that was $38.

Excellent smoker!
If you can buy a good smoking pipe that's within your budget and be happy with it, you've won. It doesn't matter whether it's a $40 Kaywoodie or a $2,000 S Bang. You can buy good smokers and bad smokers at both ends of the price range and everywhere in between. Pick a price range that's comfortable for you and have fun.
'twist, it is a can of worms. Ultimately I think the problem lies not in the price, but in the effects of past altercations (real or perceived) with people putting down others for their purchases. If they paid what they paid, then so be it; it's their money. Yes, there is a "too high" pain threshold that for some is a lot higher due to many factors, but many are also perfectly happy with being one-blend, non-artisan smokers. Is it an investment or is it a tool to YOU?

If a person should come here and ask, "did I get a good deal on XYZ?" and generally they get an honest (but still ultimately subjective) answer, then I think the forum has fulfilled the more useful side of its existence. If people lord it over each that they smoke "only expensive/cheap pipes and anyone else who doesn't agree is inferior" then, well, you are just having an argument for argument's sake. The price for the work is on a sliding scale and the maker and the buyer are not always aligned, nor is the market for the ones with big names, artisan or otherwise (e.g. Bo Nordh vs. Dunhill). I think it points to a larger problem with inflation of goods in society today, but that's a discussion for a different part of the forum.  ;) 

I don't think it's right for people in their idiom to feel bad that they only buy "expensive/cheap" because others make them feel that way. It's what you can or are willing to afford vs. your level of acceptable quality. I think you'll find many here are somewhere in between. Some were lucky, some were patient; most would say they knew what they wanted when they went looking for it and the money was already earmarked for that baby. Unfortunately sometimes with the internet's distortion of things, it ends up feeling like an escalating arms race or some chest-pounding show-and-tell. Hopefully you don't get put off by those who are just trying to show off new acquisitions.

I'd been buying several "cheap" to mid-range pipes this year (quite a lot actually for someone just starting a collection). I was doing so knowing that the higher-end stuff may be worth trying eventually, but may not be the be-all-end-all. However, I finally bit the bullet recently in Sept & Oct due to forumites/pipe makers offering sales and from my limited ownership in artisan pipes so far, I know that the few I do have are superior to cobs. And I would gladly buy more, but I can't afford a stable full of them. I happen to be fortunate to afford some and will (eventually) liquidate the ones that are not being used so I can afford more. This is not to say that the "cheap" ones are bad, but that I would prefer to enjoy fewer, higher quality pipes. Am I a fat-wallet sellout or elitist here? I don't think so?  :scratch: I would say I've seen the reason why by projection some makers can command higher sums.

But if I knew I could never buy anything over $200 or what have you--new or used--then I'd have stuck to estates or started making my own (yet another can of worms). There is nothing ignoble in owning Kaywoodie or Falcon, especially if take great pleasure in smoking them. (I don't own any, but that's besides the point.) I think generally, if you conduct yourself with respect here, we can continue to agree to disagree. Just keep calm and puff on.
Puff Daddy":z5zvmxoi said:
If you can buy a good smoking pipe that's within your budget and be happy with it, you've won. It doesn't matter whether it's a $40 Kaywoodie or a $2,000 S Bang. You can buy good smokers and bad smokers at both ends of the price range and everywhere in between. Pick a price range that's comfortable for you and have fun.
This for sure and that's what I did at the time I was actively buying pipes. Times and economy's change .  :twisted:   :twisted: 
Puff Daddy":ol3p7ws4 said:
If you can buy a good smoking pipe that's within your budget and be happy with it, you've won. It doesn't matter whether it's a $40 Kaywoodie or a $2,000 S Bang. You can buy good smokers and bad smokers at both ends of the price range and everywhere in between. Pick a price range that's comfortable for you and have fun.
No arguing with that.

mejoshee":xdn1zds9 said:
'twist, it is a can of worms...

If it's in your budget, go for it. If you're more conservative (like me) do the best you can.

Best Wishes to All,
Puff Daddy":vygccv48 said:
If you can buy a good smoking pipe that's within your budget and be happy with it, you've won. It doesn't matter whether it's a $40 Kaywoodie or a $2,000 S Bang. You can buy good smokers and bad smokers at both ends of the price range and everywhere in between. Pick a price range that's comfortable for you and have fun.
This ^

I totaly agree PD.


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