HH Rustica

Brothers of Briar

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My tin arrived today. Since I haven't smoked much these past two years and have just started up again with a few pipes a week, I might build up some more tolerance before I dive right in. Or should I just buck up, pack it, and hope it doesn't put me out?
I think it depends on your nicotine tolerance. If you're quite nicotine sensitive, I'd wait for a while.
My tin arrived today. Since I haven't smoked much these past two years and have just started up again with a few pipes a week, I might build up some more tolerance before I dive right in. Or should I just buck up, pack it, and hope it doesn't put me out?
In terms of N, treat it like you would 1792 or GH/SG black ropes (ie not quite as strong as the brown ropes), although the flavor isn't as strong as those. Try it in a smaller pipe, if course, esp. if you aren't sure.
I would suggest you work up slow. Feeling nauseous and light headed isn't a good feeling and may turn you off on pipe smoking. It's supposed to be enjoyable.
I am no stranger to high nicotine blends like Irish Flake, Bold Kentucky, or 1972 flake. It's just been a long time and I'm just now smoking some again - so do think I should work back up to it.
Just keep in mind:
"Nicotiana tabacum have from 1%-3% nicotine, while Nicotiana Rustica often comes in around 9%."
sans the nicotine, which makes no never mind to me either way, this sounds tasty. maybe it'll blow out the doors, and they'll bulk it? dreamers can dream, correct? I used to be 100% tins, but now I'm 0% interest.

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