I have been lurking for a few weeks and decided I should introduce my self. I am a total newb to pipes. I have been smoking cigars for a few years and stumbled upon pipes by accident on a cigar forum. One of the members there had posted pictures of a pipe he had made. I looked at it and felt this strong attraction to it. To make a long story short I inquired about the price. He offered me a very good deal on that one as well as another one that was truly gorgeous. (I think they are works of art), So I took the plunge and bought them. He sent me the pipes as well as a cob pipe and a selection of tobacco. I could not believe the variety and the subtlety of the flavors the pipe gave me not to mention the serene feeling that came over me while holding the pipe and gently drawing on it. That sounds kind of corny but it is the best I can do to describe the feelings. So far I really like the English blends and the Virgina flake blends (hard to keep lit though).