I am a regular member of the club! The new venue, Circa Tabac is really nice, and I look forward to meeting you there!riff raff":wc1ccd9p said:Welcome from Maryland. I'll be heading into NYC in a few weeks for the monthly NYC Pipe Club meeting. It's at a new location in Chelsea. (moved from Florio's in Little Italy). A great bunch of guys.
Hey brother!skaukatt":0ltv1adh said:Hello Brother, welcome!
Guess who???
Great, look forward to it!riff raff":q8rl1qhy said:Great, I look forward to meeting you. A member on another forum, who lives in Chelsea, is also planning on coming along.
Thank you all, and thank you PipeDragon! We got through this completely unscathed. Sandy brought a strong wind and high tides, but very little rain to our area. Being inland and high up, we didn't even lose power. A coworker's house in the coastal, lowland area was under 7 ft of sea water. My prayers and thoughts go out to them.PipeDragon":l7skjs22 said:Welcome and hope you made it ok through the Hurricane.
We got "spared" from anything 'major" in the area I live in (high winds and rain but thats all thankfully) but other places got pounded really bad and then some.
Thanks! I am glad the Askwith is working out! Shameless plug: I just got in two more really nice featherweights, stay tuned.gravel":l7skjs22 said:I missed this! Welcome to BoB Chris! The Askwith I bought from you is wonderful!