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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
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I'm really big into the history of pipes the pipes i and many others like to smoke and many other brothers seem to be into the same thing, but there doesn't seem to be a distinct section for that kind of material. If there was I think that would be awesome!
Any thoughts
I'd pm a mod. I use Puff Daddy; he's very responsive. But I think what you're going to hear is that the "Pipes" section is designed to be inclusive. For instance there used to be a thread for tobacco reviews, but now they are just posted in "Tobacco."

If you haven't read it I believe it was monbla who posted an excellent history of Barling pipes.
FWIW, monbla posts very interesting and informative links about pipes and 'baccy history. His latest one about Danish pipes was in the pipe forum IIRC.

Just have to look for them.


Pipe History, eh? I can see it as its own topic; I can also see it as included in the existing Pipe Rack. Hard to talk about pipes without a little history.

I'll take it back to the mods and we'll discuss.

Might be helpful/persuasive if some interested parties plumbed the depths of the board and linked to some existing threads that would fit into a new history topic. We try not to take the Field of Dreams ("If you build it, they will come") approach... topic kudzu is why we reorganized the board in the first place.
monbla is always posted old brocures for pipes and pipe tobacco from bygone years that are fascinating.
I have enjoyed wandering Pipedia. Lots of brochures and such. I recently enjoy an old Pathe new film of Charatan getting going after the war. It was their production pipes and they really knew how to pump them out. The women doing the final finishing were fast but they hid how they were really finishing. They were a wiz on those sanding disks though.

jefe1037":n8i29osn said:
start a thread on baker street; that category seems a little inactive recently.

Interesting. I was thinking under the "Ye Olde Pipe Rack". But it's open for discussion.

It's quite like the recent sale of that old GBD that got talked about. Turns out that some know that old history, and knowing means they can make better informed, more knowledgeable decisions when collecting. It's not that we don't have good information in many posts. But sometimes you have to be a search expert to find it.
Hey, some nerd stacked up a bunch of ones and zeroes and left a shiny new topic down in yonder Pipe Rack.

Go fill it with history

(I'll be moving over a few of the obvious threads from the mother topic... when I have less PBR in the bloodstream.)

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