Holmes Novels

Brothers of Briar

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red kilt

Well-known member
Dec 23, 2010
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Just picked up the Complete Sir Arthur conan doyles Holmes novels after my interest was spiked by one of his movies. Should be a good read.
Read Holmes, then Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe novels, then Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot novels, and finish up with Simenon's Maigret novels...You will have years of enjoyment !!!!!!
I have the complete SF in the exhaustive 2-volume New Annotated Edition, two heavy books, and the complete SF downloaded for free to my Kindle, so I can read the stories while visiting or traveling. I concur with NeroWolfe about the Inspector Maigret books by Simenon. Good ideas all around for reading.
Bartleby Books in Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) has a A. Conan Doyle boys book about knights in the Middle Ages, a sort of King Arthur type genre. I had not idea he had written these type books. Please let us know what you read in your new collection! Sounds like a great find.
I love Sherlock Holmes, but I think I love Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Challenger books slightly more. Give Land of the Lost a read while you're at it!
I've got an old hard-bound Doubleday edition of The Complete Sherlock Holmes,....at a thickness of over two inches, it's a lap-full,...but I love it dearly!!
I am a Sherlock Holmes fanatic. I have the complete works and watch Holmes on ETV on Saturday nights. I think Conan Doyle was a masterful writer. I wish the gentleman and lady qualities of the Victorian era were more present today.
Lots of Sherlock Holmes love here. I like the sotries too, I just think the scenes where the petitioner shows up in the apartment and relates the issue at hand gets tiring. Once Watson and Holmes leave and go do their thing life is peachy.

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