home defence shot gun

Brothers of Briar

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Spud is 64 so mama's no spring chicken. Spud gets told where to move the furniture. Ha Ha
LIPIPE":3dxgqsnp said:
Spud is 64 so mama's no spring chicken. Spud gets told where to move the furniture. Ha Ha

WHAT FURNITURE :affraid: :affraid: :affraid:
Kind of like that ongoing argument--will the cocking of a weapon deter and scare an intruder or give him a target in the dark for said intruder to begin firing toward?

I figure if they're in my house uninvited, and they don't see me when I see them, all they'll likely see is muzzle flash, and a lot of it.
I don't draw a weapon to deter. There is no warning shot.
All that crap is TVland that WILL get you or worse your loved ones hurt.

Cops have to yell, "Stop Police!". I aint a cop.
puros_bran":3uz92lhl said:
I don't draw a weapon to deter. There is no warning shot.
All that crap is TVland that WILL get you or worse your loved ones hurt.

Cops have to yell, "Stop Police!". I aint a cop.
puros_bran":olh3ul26 said:
I don't draw a weapon to deter. There is no warning shot.
Yeah, that's what I was advised by a ny state trooper (my cousin,,hey, he still owes me $50 come to think of it, the bum),,

A long detailed explaination ensued involving multiple variables and the effects of adrenaline blah blah blah,,,,
LIPIPE":wrntl4bp said:
Positive thoughts while smoking Penzance in a Claude Romain bent pot...
Just like smok'in a great pipe.....it's the combo of the equipment and the load.

I'd say a Rem 870 Express loaded with four rounds in the tube and of course one additional round chambered on safety. No need to have to disturb the peace in the neighborhood by having to rack the equipment. First two blasts are 00 Buck. By now the territory should be covered. If the perp is still standing but "confused", I'd bring him into focus with three remaining job finisher Rem Sluggers. At this point any uninvited visitor has been well "ventilated". The bad news is your protected home requires skim coating and a paint job unless splashed red with random pock marks is your decor of choice. :)
I think you've got it down pat, except for a few minor changes I would make. First I would keep my chamber empty, not for safety reasons, but the sound of a shell being racked into a 870 would make any sane person jump out of the window they came in, if they don't flee you know what and who your dealing with. Second I would load all 00 or 000 buck. Remember you don't aim a shotgun you point it, plus there's a good chance of a slug going through multiple walls in the house and hitting someone else. Just my thoughts.
Saint":aidei7xh said:
I think you've got it down pat, except for a few minor changes I would make. First I would keep my chamber empty, not for safety reasons, but the sound of a shell being racked into a 870 would make any sane person jump out of the window they came in, if they don't flee you know what and who your dealing with. Second I would load all 00 or 000 buck. Remember you don't aim a shotgun you point it, plus there's a good chance of a slug going through multiple walls in the house and hitting someone else. Just my thoughts.
I'm going to disagree with almost everything you said and so would most home defense experts.

While it is true that racking a pump shotgun is one of the most intimidating sounds known to man, it also informs an intruder that you're up and about and gives them a rough approximation of your location. Bad guys hopped up on drugs, adrenaline, or both don't usually act with good sense and so probably won't flee at the sound of a racking slide.

Secondly, you do aim a shotgun, or at least you should. At the typical room distance of 10-15 feet a load of 000 only makes an impact about the size of your fist from a typical legal short barreled shotgun. You need to aim. Period.

I will agree with your shot vs. slug advice.
I'll say it again, and change the wording so it's easier to understand.

Combat For Dummies:
#1 always be ready to go boom boom. Mr Badguy is ready.
#2 always be ready to go boom boom. Mr Badguy is ready.
#3 always be ready to go boom boom. Mr Badguy is ready.

Once the intruder is in your home I do not believe you have a moral or logical reason to offer deterrence. Ready weapon, stay stealthy and stay low, locate and identify intruder, aim weapon center mass, fire. It really is that simple.

Giving up tactical advantage by readying your weapon after locating the intruder will more likely result in your an your family's injury or death. Do you not think Mr Badguy readied his weapon before entering? You are very likely to catch a face worth of metal while racking that weapon.
I am trying to save up for a 12 gauge remington 870 super mag combo that way I have the slug barrel for deer and bear hunting, the smooth bore for the any other type of hunting and I can pick up a tatical barrel along with other fun tatical goodies for cheap (relativley) and easy. when money permits I may purchase another one with a turkey barrel and convert that to strictly home defense.

On a side note check all of your state and municiple laws, some ammo may be completely illegal as well as firearms as such is the case more often than not in NJ. Also in NJ hunting with a center fire is illegal and rimfires can only be used to dispatch trapped animals and on private property for varmits (mainly only found in central and south Jersey) so the only thing left is shotgun, muzzle loader, and bow for hunting. So for me a shotgun with multable barrels for different situations would be ideal for minimal costs.

also here is an artical I found on which ammo would be best.

puros_bran":npqgakvx said:
I'll say it again, and change the wording so it's easier to understand.

Combat For Dummies:
#1 always be ready to go boom boom. Mr Badguy is ready.
#2 always be ready to go boom boom. Mr Badguy is ready.
#3 always be ready to go boom boom. Mr Badguy is ready.

Once the intruder is in your home I do not believe you have a moral or logical reason to offer deterrence. Ready weapon, stay stealthy and stay low, locate and identify intruder, aim weapon center mass, fire. It really is that simple.

Giving up tactical advantage by readying your weapon after locating the intruder will more likely result in your an your family's injury or death. Do you not think Mr Badguy readied his weapon before entering? You are very likely to catch a face worth of metal while racking that weapon.
Notice: This may not apply under law in all states.
Absolutly the bad guy is is ready to rock! Some states give more leeway than others as to if and when you can shoot.
Check local law, or, shoot, and call your lawyer. Mine is on speed dial # 5, And yes I know him personally.

My personal belief; protect yourself and yours' - worry about the aftermath later.
So you've whacked the intruder, the next step is dealing with justification. I read an article a few years ago laying it out it in a realistic manner. Specifics were not offered due to the vast differences in each state. What was covered was the fact that you had better know exactly your states stance regarding this situation and be prepared to justify your actions. The site below offers some insight state by state for handguns,,click on your state and scroll down to "deadly force laws" you'll have a list of specific articles covering defense to research, copy, and file.
While I can't verify accuracy of the information, I will say it's a good source to start from.

While I can't say it's a terribly good ideal. A good ideal would be to do like the cops and have a burn gun.
I was having trouble with some one some years ago. This was before Alabama had a self defence law. But any way after several times having the police at the house after the problem was over. I told one officer that I was tired of this and was going to just shoot him next time because they were doing nothing. The officer told me to shoot him dead if I did, dead men dont talk, make sure he was in the house, after that put a round in the door jamb to call it a warning shot. To make a long story short. A man enters your house with intent to harm you or your family, you fire a warning shot, and he keeps coming. you kill him. No jury in Alabama will pursecute you. Good thing is the guy got the idea of going away and leaving us alone after his last ass wooping. I was glad , dont want to shoot any one if I can help it. The woopings happened in the yard never got in the house. It was my son n law that was beating my daughter. she would come to the house for protection.
My 60 lb. watch dog has always done the trick with scaring unwanted folks (and sometimes wanted) away from the house. It seems a loud bark is more of a deterrent than the possibility of a gun being present. Though I do have a .45 auto and Benelli M1 as backup just in case.

plumbernater":63dc33vu said:
I was having trouble with some one some years ago. This was before Alabama had a self defence law. But any way after several times having the police at the house after the problem was over. I told one officer that I was tired of this and was going to just shoot him next time because they were doing nothing. The officer told me to shoot him dead if I did, dead men dont talk, make sure he was in the house, after that put a round in the door jamb to call it a warning shot. To make a long story short. A man enters your house with intent to harm you or your family, you fire a warning shot, and he keeps coming. you kill him. No jury in Alabama will pursecute you. Good thing is the guy got the idea of going away and leaving us alone after his last ass wooping. I was glad , dont want to shoot any one if I can help it. The woopings happened in the yard never got in the house. It was my son n law that was beating my daughter. she would come to the house for protection.
I know this advice came from an LEO but I have to disagree.
Warning shots are movie B.S.
If someone is coming in my home unannounced and uninvited, he ain't sellin' girl scout cookies. He means me and mine harm. When my gun comes out I fully intend to end the threat here and now.


Just sayin'.
tech2576":3dr7wr3u said:
plumbernater":3dr7wr3u said:
I was having trouble with some one some years ago. This was before Alabama had a self defence law. But any way after several times having the police at the house after the problem was over. I told one officer that I was tired of this and was going to just shoot him next time because they were doing nothing. The officer told me to shoot him dead if I did, dead men dont talk, make sure he was in the house, after that put a round in the door jamb to call it a warning shot. To make a long story short. A man enters your house with intent to harm you or your family, you fire a warning shot, and he keeps coming. you kill him. No jury in Alabama will pursecute you. Good thing is the guy got the idea of going away and leaving us alone after his last ass wooping. I was glad , dont want to shoot any one if I can help it. The woopings happened in the yard never got in the house. It was my son n law that was beating my daughter. she would come to the house for protection.
I know this advice came from an LEO but I have to disagree.
Warning shots are movie B.S.
If someone is coming in my home unannounced and uninvited, he ain't sellin' girl scout cookies. He means me and mine harm. When my gun comes out I fully intend to end the threat here and now.


Just sayin'.
I think you misread the post. Relevant part has been "bolded." In short, eliminate the threat (shoot the bad guy), then fire a shot in the door jam so you can later claim that you fired a warning shot.
What's the difference between a warning shot and a missed shot other than an unnecessarily damaged door? Warning shots are dangerous. Preferred method per police training is two to center mass followed by one to the head. If your life or that of someone in your presence is not in imminent danger of deadly physical force, or if retreat and cover is possible a gun should not be used.
Is nobody actually reading these days?!?

The proposed "warning shot" that has become so controversial is post-facto. It's actually an after shot done when the perpetrator is already dead on the floor and done to help your defense in court, not defense in your home. It's a shot done after the important deed so that you can say "I gave him warning but he kept coming."

I'm not necessarily condoning this, BTW. You would have to lie in court after taking an oath that ends in "so help me God." and that's not something to trifle about, at least to me.
I read what was said. But.

When this goes to court, maybe maybe not criminal.. But Guaranteed a 'wrongful death' civil case. You are going to have to prove you are qualified to use your weapon. A 'warning shot' before or after is goon to be used as proof and not for good. You will be at best painted as 'missing and therefore having reckless disregard for the safety of others... But more likely it will be claimed that the warning shot proved you drew a weapon and fired it at the guy before deadly force was warranted. "Bill erroniously thought he was at his pastors mothers house to check on her. He wrote the address down wrong is all. When the door was locked and no one answered he found that open window to climb through, she has cancer you know. . In his mind you were a intruder in her home firing a weapon, he charged to protect her . Had you just talked to him instead of playing vigilante and gunnin him down you would have known this. Murderer."
It's almost funny except for the fact that stuff like that happens all the time. And worse is won all the time.

Dead guys don't tell tales, dead guys family lawyers do though.
Use your head, train, be ready.


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