Hooked on handguns

Brothers of Briar

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Richard Burley":d8gtbr1b said:
So what do you guys who actually carry blue steel use to keep it from rusting? What's your daily procedure, not just the product? I rarely carry, but you never know. I have a preference for the Colt Combat Commander, FWIW. Got big hands.
I carry either stainless or my xd (which is black, I think it's a melonite surface), so I don't know specifically what you should do for a blued finished, but the basics kinda stand for all of them. Keep em dry, wipe em off, use plenty of oil, wipe it with the cloths with the moisture guard type (remcloth, etc.) oils embedded in them.

I'll ask my brother if I remember what he recommends (he's a guns store proprietor and instructor, etc.)
mark":xr18o2wf said:
I beat the rust issue by carrying a S&W 360SC.  Scandium frame and titanium cylinder.
Yeah, I had a stainless PPK/S, but dumped it. Too small. And I prefer blue steel anyhow, just as I prefer vulcanite to plastic bits. Call me traditional, it makes me laugh.
Richard Burley":emgevy47 said:
mark":emgevy47 said:
I beat the rust issue by carrying a S&W 360SC.  Scandium frame and titanium cylinder.
Yeah, I had a stainless PPK/S, but dumped it. Too small. And I prefer blue steel anyhow, just as I prefer vulcanite to plastic bits. Call me traditional, it makes me laugh.
You're traditional.
My Backpacking Pistol!!! (Nagant Revolver!) Currently my only pistol, but I'm looking to get my hands on as many as I can sometime soon.

Richard Burley":7q52bqev said:
So what do you guys who actually carry blue steel use to keep it from rusting? What's your daily procedure, not just the product? I rarely carry, but you never know. I have a preference for the Colt Combat Commander, FWIW. Got big hands.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZqQ_GEC6EKE" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Here's a test result after exposing a metal bar to two months in the elements:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dUNW4Vn2JiY" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen></iframe>
To keep the rust down, I use hoppies gun oil . A little wipe down every so often. a complete disasimbling and cleaning now and then. Most my guns are old and no rust.
Fatman":rtkbobx1 said:
I have a few handguns....

Taurus .44 mag
Desert Eagle .44 mag
Smith and Wesson XD tactical .45 acp
Ruger LCP .380
Kel Tec 9mm
Smith and Wesson model 13-3 .357 mag
Uberti Cattleman .45 LC
Russian made Makarov in 9x18 Makarov
Taurus PT 92 in 9mm

I keep the S&W .45 in my truck, and the Ruger LCP in my pocket. I forgot to add my other carry gun, a Taurus .357 mag snubby revolver. My next purchase will be a .50 AE barrel and magazine for the Desert Eagle, so I have the ability to swap calibers.
I love the Taurus, if we were allowed to own guns and I could afford one I would definitely own a Magnum, those babies are all muscle and I love em, oh well, back to boring old British banality....
Thanks DoverPipes and Plumbernater. I guess I ought to have asked what should a slackerboy who hates cleaning guns use to protect it if he carries every day. The Froglube really looks interesting--but the Hoppe's smells so damn good! (I once heard from a female of the species that real men also use it, or should use it, as an aftershave.)
I also use a silicone impregnated cloth to wipe my guns down. Regular cleaning, lubricating and attention to detail should keep your blued steel corrosion free!
Although I do not own a gun myself, this thread, and the comments from those outside the country, have really made me appreciate our right to bear arms.
Fatman":i8hto1li said:
I also use a silicone impregnated cloth to wipe my guns down. Regular cleaning, lubricating and attention to detail should keep your blued steel corrosion free!
I was afraid of that. Thanks, Fatman.
Briarbabe":yecg0n28 said:
Although I do not own a gun myself, this thread, and the comments from those outside the country, have really made me appreciate our right to bear arms.
Yeah, I used to be anti-gun, more or less. Not militantly so, but just as a default position if asked. Thank God for friends, their powers of persuasion, and my reasoning skull. Now I'm NRA Life and proud of it. The right to own a gun and free speech are basic rights, and I wouldn't want to live under a government that didn't recognize them.
Fatman":v2svp07f said:
I also use a silicone impregnated cloth to wipe my guns down. Regular cleaning, lubricating and attention to detail should keep your blued steel corrosion free!
This sentence just made all the dirty parts of my brain explode.
Getting hooked on handguns is easy, the hard part has become feeding them, either finding/ affording the ammo, or gathering reloading components.
I've always admired the look, feel and easy pocketability of the Walther PPK and thought the infamous home invasion in CT would give me an opening to get one, but my missus heard that the old 20 gauge in my closet was the perfect home defense weapon. Back to the drawing board.
my hand gun list isn't modest i admit but here goes

Rossi .38spl
springfield xd 9mm
s&w 41 mag
wilson combat cqb 1911 in .45 acp
taurus pt1911 in .45 acp
ruger blackhawk in .357
sig saur nightmare 1911 in .45 acp
colt series 70 1911 in .45 acp
custom 1911 i built on a caspain frame and slide modified with a 1 lb 9 oz trigger also .45 acp
springfeild loaded 1911 again .45
and finally the little bastard child of my collection a baby deagle in .40

i don't have a thing for 1911's or anything i swear.........

I miss my 1911's. Most of my cool stuff went the way of sales to eat and pay rent. They kept my synthesizers safe from sale (plus, a good old synth is harder to find).

Back at the thinned-out ranch, I make do with a Bersa UC .45, a Taurus Judge sport in 2 3/4 I carry for field work, and a pretty rare Nazi P-38.

The wish list is long and stupidly unobtainable, but...dreams are nice. :lol:

After electronic-stuff, gun engineering is mesmerizing.


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