Hope They Don't Suck....

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
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i've got a business trip on friday that lasts until the 9th of April. in conjunction with packing my pipes and choosing tobacco, i'm going to do the "estimating how much you smoke" experiment that was discussed earlier.

so, i chose 2 tobaccos to take with me, just so happens i've never had either one and figured i'd better crack those sumb*tches so they aren't too wet when it's time to get down to smokin.

you guys ever pack tobaccos you've never tried for a trip? did you regret it later, or were you happy with the outcome?

here are the two contestants that i hope don't suck, cuz that's all i'm taking with me on this trip. :shock:


the contents of the two. they sure do smell different than what i'm use to.


Those are exactly the thought processes I went through... if I'm going to do this, I had better enjoy these suckers. I "weenied out" with the Frog Morton but chose it bcause it had lots of age and it had been a long time. But I chose GLP Lombard, a new to me one, as the other tin.

I've never tried those you are choosing.

Good luck.

:D Paul
Ummm well, shouldn't ya only take one 'new' tin?

I always bring something I like as a just in case.
If you are going to be gone for that length of time I would highly recommend taking several ounces of John Middleton Walnut as at least a backup. It will satisfy when nothing else will!
lol. they're new to me. :lol:
one was a gift from a buddy in amsterdam (he wanted to trade for some GLP blends, i wanted Three Nuns, this was an extra), the other i just bought from a member on another board.

i may have to take some tried and true stuff just in case the job gets a tad stressful. good idea.

paul, i'm hopefully gonna figure out how much i actually smoke. lately, i've been spending too much time on my computer at night instead of relaxing with a bowl... being on a trip probably won't be a good barometer, i don't know if i smoke more or less. it'll be fun to find out though.

anyone here tried these blends before? i'm a va/per whore by nature, and from reading the ingredients on other sites, i think my va/per pipes might do the trick (after a quick cleaning). <-- shoulda thought of that before i opened them to breathe. derrrrr :rabbit:

justpipes, i've never even heard of that before. actually, i think i saw you all talk about it last night. walnut isn't a casing/topping, it's the name of a leaf, right?
IHT":e410y98u said:
justpipes, i've never even heard of that before. actually, i think i saw you all talk about it last night. walnut isn't a casing/topping, it's the name of a leaf, right?
Walnut is an American/English Burley based blend that was originally blended in John Middleton's Philadelphia shop in 1856. It has no casing or topping. A straight forward non-aromatic blend that is subtly sweet with just the faintest hint of Latakia and what I believe is a turkish leaf as well as a little red VA. The tin description says "Blended with 7 of the world's finest tobacco". Only John Middleton knows what they are.

It really is a fine smoke!
Addressing the original question....I travel quite a bit; and never take along a tobacco I haven't tried (and enjoyed!) before!! FTRPLT
Depends where you are going and if they have tobacconists there. Really, if you are in the civilized world (i.e. not California) it shouldn't be too hard to find a tobacconist for a substitution in the unlikely event that you can't stand either one of your untried tins.

Happy travels...

well, i'll find out tomorrow morning as i drive to Ft. Riley, KS (middle of nowhere).
gonna see if i can get a bowl to last the entire trip. :pipe:
If all else fails and you don't like either one it is a good excuse to buy more tobacco! :D

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