I've been around horses my whole life and used to rodeo when i was younger. I rode bareback & bulldogged and team roped. Still do a little team roping & go to a few brandings once or twice a year. A few years back we had a team of Belgins. We never did any field work with them but you could say they were 2000 LB pets that pulled the hay wagon around for rides.
When i was 12 i had a horse named Chex that was out of my dads paint mare that i bred to a quarter horse stud for $100.
This horses was the best horse i ever had. I could head, heel, bulldog & calf rope of him. Won 7 rifles off him wild cow milking in the Ponoka Stampede. Outside the arena he was a walking fool always having to be in the lead and few horses could keep up with him. In the mountains sheep hunting or trail riding he was in his element. If he was out in the field or i was walking/repairing a fence all i had to do was whistle & he'd come running. In the winter he pulled a cutter that i made & this was how we got most of are Christmas trees when the kids were young. When Chex was getting a little older and starting to slow down we had a friend who's daughter had lost her horse and they couldn't find a suitable replacement so we let her use Chex for a 1 1/2 years. One day i got home from work & jumped on my bike to go to the next town to watch my wife barrel race and right when i got there they were anouncing this girl riding Chex. I ran to the arena & sure enough there was my tough as nails, cross any river, climb any mountain where others would take the long way around horse all decked out in Pink from headstall, saddle pad splint and bell boots and he was barrrel racing. He made that little girl as happy as he ever made me.
A couple of years after we got him back i got home from work one night & he wasn't feeling well so we called the vet and he said he'd be out in the morning to look at him. At 04:45 i couldn't sleep so i got up to check on him. His neck from his throat to his chest was swelled right up and rock hard. He was having trouble breathing and you could hear the fluid gurgling in his lungs and he had blood coming out of his nose. (this is hard to write

) I said my goodbyes and gave him a hug then went to the house to get a gun and after giving him another hug and saying thanks bud i put him down. My wife said not to that she was calling the vet to do it but there was no way i was going to let him suffer any more untill the vet got there. To this day that was the hardest thing i've ever had to do but i think i owed him that much. He had a congested heart failure. My wife & son helped me hand dig a grave and we buried him on a hill out back and every spring i mark the spot with cattails & cedar arrows.
Here's a picture of him in his later years he'd get his porage every, morning a mixture of soaked beet pulp, grain & step six senior ration all mixed up then we'd let him loose on the lawn and south hay field to eat.
As for your question is a horse a money making machine or pet - I'd say Friend.