How do Morgan Bones smoke/ feel?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
May 15, 2019
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New Orleans
I’ve got my eye on a Morgan bones bent bulldog, can anyone tell me how they smoke?

Not how do you smoke them, but how do they smoke? I asked because I saw a meme that subtly criticized Morgans. Damned if I can't find it anymore. They look great, but it seems that their bent bulldog is a wee bit too straight for me.

Thanks for the response, but I realized we are going out of town on Wednesday and thus all pipe-age is cancelled until I get back. I would not want a pipe rotting in my mailbox because of a forgetful neighbor.
Re reviews online...always guys that cheer about how great their latest buy is...always guys that are haters and dis stuff. One or two good or bad reviews aren’t definitive, as I’m sure you know. No news here.

But there are 670 reviews on his site...and he does make a pledge...

“But rest assured that your pipe will be durable, I stand behind all of my products and will take care of you if you are dissatisfied.”

I don’t know...for $47 (incl. shipping) I think it depends on what makes a difference to you. Reports seem to indicate these smoke OK. Out of a half dozen Dunhill pipes I’ve only had one that smoked worth a damn. On the other hand I have a number of basket pipes that equal my favorite Radice...etc., etc., etc.

Good luck and safe travels on your trip.

I own 4 and just picked up a fifth, they all smoke great! One of them is actually one of my best smokers of any pipe I own. The drilling is spot on on all of them and they pass a cleaner with no problem. Most bowls are on the small side of “average” though a few shapes (like the lovat and hangin brandy) are a bit larger.

They are what they state, bare bones pipes. Just bare briar with a shallow blast and an acrylic stem. They do color quite nicely though, my most smoked Bones has taken on a rich brown color and after only two bowls in my newest acquisition it’s already developing some color in the grain.

They’re good knock-around pipes which is what I have them for, if they get banged around no big deal. A great alternative to cobs if you prefer briar. Don’t let the price fool you, they are well crafted pipes.
I've been considering one myself. I've heard only good from actual users.
I own one and it’s just OK, nothing more.

Keep in mind that when you buy a Bones, he picks one indiscriminately from a group of pipes that for whatever reason didn’t make the cut. Some are more obviously flawed than others.

As you can see, mine came with a HUGE raging pit and arguably should have been kindling. It's a burn out waiting to happen.

Personally, for a good smoking knock-around pipe I would put my money on one of those C&D MM cobs with the nice acrylic stems, those are sweet. Way more bang for your buck too.

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I went a bit insane insane and bought myself ve Morgan Bones pipes. Yeah it has a few defects, but frankly to me they smoke like they are not there, like Im sucking the smoke out of a pile of tobacco in my hand. One of them has a defect that I think is suspicious and perhaps fatal in the future. And that one is what they call "gnarly bones" which even they say is on the brink of smokeable.

But my giant rhodesian is unreal, simply amazing pipe at that size. When I got their smaller one I knew immediately that I had to have the giant one. I got it during this storm, Barry, and thus gave it that name. I filled it with some plum pudding (actually improved after about a month and smokd it as we grilled and waited for this thing to sneeze over us.


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