How do you smoke your pipe cool?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
May 15, 2019
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New Orleans
No doubt in my mind this has been asked before here. I was wondering what methods you use to smoke your pipe cool.

In case you haven't guessed yet, I tend to smoke damn hot, and frankly, my fingers and tongue don't like it. I have tried the breath method and delayed satisfaction (putting it on the stand)- to very limited success.
A pipe that hot is usually down to drawing too hard and fast. Little sips is the way forward, nursing that bowl along. There are blends that are renowned for smoking hot too, Vas being the main culprit. If your bowl gets too hot to hold you’re way overdoing it; stop immediately and lay her down to rest or you’ll run the risk of permanently damaging it.
My favorite quote on tobaccoreviews is "huge clouds of white smoke." If you're getting more than light wisps in the air that dissipate quickly, you're smoking too fast. Relights are not a sign of failure, they are your friend.
MAYbe a larger cut like cube cut or broken flake just rubbed a bit.

Good luck.
One of the things I had to overcome was simply packing too tight. Just a little too firm and I’ve noticed a pipe will have a tendency to smoke hot, and not stay lit, which causes you to puff harder and get it even hotter. I started packing much looser than what I thought it should be and that really cleared up a lot of problems (including very little condensation buildup, that is to say no gurgle). If it’s just too loose you can always tamp it a bit tighter.

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