I pack 1/2 or 3/4 bowls, otherwise known as bitch bowls by some. I pack a pipe based on the time I think I will have to smoke it. Driving to and from work, a quick out on a cold night, walking, errands, etc... these are usually half bowls which will last around 20 minutes. Watching the game, road trips, or just relaxing with a pipe... these are usually three quarter bowls which will last around 40 minutes. I never pack a full bowl to avoid rim darkening. I'm I slow smoker and used to try and smoke as long as possible, but I now prefer shorter sessions. I will also smoke a pipe a couple times during the day if I need to because I smoke in shorter sessions. I'm a clencher, like lighter pipes (50 grams or less), which means the bowls tend to be smaller. Smoking for an hour or more can be nice from time to time, but I'm usually exhausted afterwards and I tend to speed up towards the end for some reason, which of course can leave a man with a bitter taste at the end of a bowl.
Cheers & Health,