How long should a good smoke last?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2010
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I prefer to smoke large bowls. I'm a clencher. When I fill a bowl I need at least a one hour smoke. I find that rubbed Penzance is a long lasting smoke. This morning I smoked a bowl of Sterling's Briar Creek Natural and the smoke lasted only about 40 minutes. Being somewhat disappointed, I recharged my bowl to continue the pleasure. Does a short duration smoke leave you less than satisfied?
LIPIPE":z9n4lnwj said:
Does a short duration smoke leave you less than satisfied?
I'll sometimes recharge the bowl as well if it's one of my really small bowled pipes. Apart from Petersons, I generally prefer the smaller bowls of classic English makers like GBD. But I also smoke a lot of flakes, so that tends to make for a longer smoke.
There are a lot of variables involved in determining the length of a smoke: pipe size, tobacco type and cut, smoker's puffing style, and several others. For instance, when smoking outside, wind can speed up the smoke considerably. With all that said, if I'm smoking one of my larger pipes indoors, I usually get at least one hour out of the smoke and sometimes considerably longer. I try to smoke as slowly as possible and don't worry about the number of relights I need.

I want somewhere in between 60 and 90 minutes. To achieve this I smoke 1 5/8-1 3/4" bore pipes for Lat blends and 2" bore pipes for Burleys.
I tend towards smaller pipes and stronger tobaccos, so even though most bowls are only 40 minutes or so, I'm quite satisfied by the time it's finished.
Why do I hear Michael Scott saying "That's what she said"? - :lol:

Sorry - please continue...
For a good smoke, I usually get an hour or more out of mine. Of course, I don't get this with a smaller bowl. But even with a smaller bowl, i'm usually good for 30-45 minutes.
I pack 1/2 or 3/4 bowls, otherwise known as bitch bowls by some. I pack a pipe based on the time I think I will have to smoke it. Driving to and from work, a quick out on a cold night, walking, errands, etc... these are usually half bowls which will last around 20 minutes. Watching the game, road trips, or just relaxing with a pipe... these are usually three quarter bowls which will last around 40 minutes. I never pack a full bowl to avoid rim darkening. I'm I slow smoker and used to try and smoke as long as possible, but I now prefer shorter sessions. I will also smoke a pipe a couple times during the day if I need to because I smoke in shorter sessions. I'm a clencher, like lighter pipes (50 grams or less), which means the bowls tend to be smaller. Smoking for an hour or more can be nice from time to time, but I'm usually exhausted afterwards and I tend to speed up towards the end for some reason, which of course can leave a man with a bitter taste at the end of a bowl.
Cheers & Health,
I am a S-L-O-W smoker. Lightly packed, even half bowls in my smaller-bored pipes will go almost an hour. Full bowls and even larger bores I'm almost two hours in. I usually smoke outside (in the morning sun in winter, evening in summer)... I guess somehow I really stretch it out. I don't take breaks, either...relights, occasionally but usually just "wisping and sipping" away.
I don't typically have the luxury of long smoke times, I usually can only go for 30 minutes or so (the commute home). Wish I had more time, but them's the brakes.
A good smoke for me should last at least 45 minutes. That's how long my commute to and from work is. I have smaller bowled pipes like my Peterson's 303's, 80s, and 999 that are just about right although occasionally they will end several minutes before I arrive and I get disappointed.
Most of my pipes are good for 45 - 60 minutes, which I enjoy. I have a few smaller pipes when I don't have time, but I like the larger bowls and just relaxing. Firing up my deep Ferndown right now...
I've got a honkin big Nording that gives me a three smoke if I fill the pipe. I use it as a traveling pipe. I can drive from the town where I live to Indianapolis and back without a refill.
Kyle Weiss":tpulyir8 said:
I am a S-L-O-W smoker. Lightly packed, even half bowls in my smaller-bored pipes will go almost an hour. Full bowls and even larger bores I'm almost two hours in. I usually smoke outside (in the morning sun in winter, evening in summer)... I guess somehow I really stretch it out. I don't take breaks, either...relights, occasionally but usually just "wisping and sipping" away.
Same here.
i agree with not long enough i can have a 2 inch tall bowl last an hour or even a little more or 30 mins it all depends on how often i puff or re light
If I stuffed my Boswell with flake cut VA I could puff on it for an hour. If it's filled with a finely cut burley, I'd be lucky if it lasted 20 minutes.
Kyle Weiss":q6dsgdx7 said:
I am a S-L-O-W smoker. Lightly packed, even half bowls in my smaller-bored pipes will go almost an hour. Full bowls and even larger bores I'm almost two hours in.

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