Humidified Snuff Storage

Brothers of Briar

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Oct 23, 2010
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Oregon City, Oregon - USA
So right now I've got various tins, tubs and bags of snuff all neatly tucked away...inside larger plastic tubs...the clear kind with the red or blue lids from the grocery store. But any big plastic storage tub with a tight lid would work. Even the good old 'coolerdor' thing. Anyway, inside each one I have an appropriately sized humidifier... from medium sized rectangular to those small black disc things. I should be pretty good.

Then I got to thinking...(danger Will Robinson)...I've got a bunch of humidors around here from my cigar days. Most are still laden with booty, but a number are nearly empty. Hmmm. Cool, controlled, anti-fungal humidity. Nice. Very nice.

I might have to turn one or two into Snuffidors. More on this as it developes.
Cool is good. Dark is good. Humidification beyond what we already have in abundance in Oregon is not necessarily good.
Well, OR ranges between about 30 and 100 RH. If the internal humidification device were such that it regulated that variable about 70 RH or so...that might be a good thing.
Well I am in Sacramento where it's dry most of the time, and I can say that a plastic tub with a decent seal stores snuff just fine. Not sure how it would do in a humidor, but I'll be intersted in reading your findings.
What RH should snuff be stored at?

I was thinking of using the same humidification beads I use for my humidor. They sell em in varying degrees of RH. Heartfelt industries I believe is the maker. They make these for preserving antiquari items sensitive to RH for museums (like manuscripts and such) and the cigar industry picked up on them. They work wonderfully. If overly wet in your environment they will draw out moisture, if dry they will raise and maintain it.
Kitty litter does the same thing.  No...really!  Some types of litter are almost pure PG and are good for 70% RH.  I've heard that snuff likes it about 60%...but I'm no expert. Gravel likely knows, or a few other guys here.
I don't humidify my snuff. I store it like pipe tobacco in a cool, dark place.

Some artisan snuffs (SWS, Abraxas, OM) recommends storage in a refrigerator (in a container to eliminate contamination). Mold is an issue.

Chef Daniel (OM) stores his in a cool dark place. I figure that guy know what he is doing.

I would say that there is a lot of room to experiment.
Like D&B I'm in the Sacramento area. Dry. This morning I took out a pinch of GH Curlies that was way too moist to smoke and laid it out on the coffee table. In 20 minutes it was almost crispy.
I thought that was your plan back in March ... ?

I personally haven't been doing anything special other than keeping all my snuff in the bottom desk drawer. Fits the bill as a cool, dry and dark place.
Just testing. I like to keep up w what I' responsible for. :)

Instead of a humidor I ended up with a sort of coolerdor thing. Tins in plastic bags...bags inside Tupper things...those inside cooler. Works.