Hypothetical Living Abroad poll

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2008
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Just wondering if you had to leave your beloved country what country would you live in if you had the choice?

If you wanted to make it more interesting at what time period would you live there? and Why?

Myself, sadly ;) , am one of those poor unfortunate millions who has descended from Irish, Scottish, British stock and just find myself linked to that part of the world.

Having been to the isles on 3 seperate occasions i have really gotten a taste for how people live there but in the end i would have to say Ireland would fit me just fine.

Very relaxed people, good music, and Guinness. I will go back again and have thought about living there for a couple of years before i settle down here. There is nothing quite like a sunrise on a stone fence creeping up over the hills and flickering through patches of heather, especially when you stay up to see it. Plus i like the rain, for a kid from the prairie its a novelty.

Your thoughts?
In the present, I think I'd like to settle somewhere in the country in Scotland. The times I've been have really spoken to me. Quiet, beautiful, a train ride to some of the great cities of the world and an EU passport.

Of course, if we can time-travel *and* retain knowledge of the present, I'd move to Denmark in the 60s and start cornering the market...
Carlos":3m8xgelp said:
British East Africa, very early 1900's. Pre-war. On perpetual safari. Maybe I would even run into Teddy.
I have had such a bad day...and now I am jealous of someone else fantacy.
If I had to choose another country to live in, it would be Tennesee or Georgia, maybe South Carolina,,,but I'd have to learn the language first,,,,
Ireland, Scotland, and England intrique me; but the winters are rough, boys!!!!!! Somewhere on the Carribean/Gulf of Mexico would be nice. Love that sand and water. New Zealand is out of this world. I could easily live somewhere around the Med. Enjoy the laid back lifestyle, wine, etc!!!!

Changing eras always sounds good; however, in my opinion, most of us have a very "romantic" sense of what it would be like to live back say 100 years ago. The reality might be a bit more harsh! FTRPLT
ftrplt":xfi7ho9v said:
Changing eras always sounds good; however, in my opinion, most of us have a very "romantic" sense of what it would be like to live back say 100 years ago. The reality might be a bit more harsh! FTRPLT

WTF? No airplanes?!!! Fuggedaboudit!
I live in Northern Virginia,I have one foot in heaven and I don't want to
go anywhere. :)

Winslow :sunny:
On the outskirts of Punta Gorda..
Tiny hut, a bottle of Rum, a real cigar... Cut off utilitys and a sweat stained t... Jimmy (Buffett or Hendrix) playing on my wore out tape deck... FN-Fal propped in the corner in case the Guatamalians start acting stupid again... A little Tiki Bar out by the sand to sell over priced drinks to the occasional gringo...

 Sub Umbra Floreo
If I could go back in time and had to stay my current age, it would be in one of England or Scotland's more interesting cities plus a country cottage in Cornwall, during the post WWII period. Say, 1948 through the early 70's. A nice blend of Edwardian holdover combined with modern convenience.

If I could be 25 again but had to stay in the present, it's hard to say because things are going to hell pretty much everywhere. Prague, maybe.
I'd have to say Ireland, the County of Westmeath to be specific. The wife and I spent a great vacation there in 1996 and 99. Westmeath is actually her Ancestral homeland and it's beautiful country.
If I could turn back the clock to the mid 70's, at my present age, I'd buy a chunk of land, a couple of horses and fishing boats and I'm set for life 8)
The only place I've been to that has really left an impression would be Colorado, northern specifically. I spent a couple of weeks in UK. I didn't do any sightseeing though. I just stayed in the village where my friends (to-be family) lived. I went across to visit my fiancee (now wife of 7+ yrs). I liked it alot and I loved the area where we were. I enjoyed driving from town to town and seeing what little countryside I did see. I never saw any of the coastal areas though, just the interior stuff. Great country, wonderful people, and Guinness of course.

My wife was born in Scotland. Her father a Scotsman, and her mother Welsh. Since we got married she never had a chance to go back home until this past 2009 summer. I sent her and our two kids over for 3 months. After going back and visiting I think she decided that USA was more home now. She has even talked about going the citizen route which was nowhere on her mind before their 3 month visit. I guess it helps that her father has gone that direction. He is now a resident of Pennsylvania and a soon-to-be USA citizen. If I wanted to move to UK then she would go in a heartbeat but I'm not budging. I'm born and bred in these here United States and I plan on staying here unless something else comes along to change my mind. I don't know what that would be though.

It's funny, I can always tell when she's been on the phone with her mother...because her accent comes back. I love the brits for lots of things but there is not better place than America (as long as the government doesn't screw it all up...another board).
I guess I'd have to go to Ireland. The land is beautiful, especially on those "soft" days. A warm cottage in the country, perhaps on a cliff overlooking the sea, would suit me right down to the ground. And then, there's the music, and the food, and the lilting Irish accent, and the poetry of the Irish soul, and the food, and etc, etc.
Ireland or Northern England/Scotland. My father's side is from Dublin and Mother's side from Norfolk, England. Her ancestors came down to there after several centuries in Scotland so it has a warm place in my heart as well. As far as time period - I was born 100 years too late so any time after 1800 would be great.

On the practical side - actually living in Britain as a non British could be a real problem. I was actually considering it so I did some research. Even if your ancestors are from there you will be shuned as an outsider. Jobs will go to islanders first, you will likely not fit in culturally for a while. It's the same language but that's about it.
When my family went to visit relatives I remember the lightly hidden displeasure of several people at hearing I was Canadian. Don't get me wrong - there were lots of friendly and polite folks, but the british have to be one of the most superior minded and racist group of people out there. No offense intended Brits - my grandfather was one. There's good and bad everywhere.
A couple thousand years of history topped off by a few hundred years of being a, if not THE, dominate force in the world will do that to ya everytime.
I'm surprised no one mentioned Haiti,wouldn't you want to visit your money?

Winslow :sunny:

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