I blame Monbla.

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Monbla, do me a favor, go try and sell Books of Mormon over at PeeB's place. I want to see what happens. :lol:

Just an idle thought while reading this, because that's what I do: has anyone here actually done an actual side-by-side sniff test with an actual bottle of catsup and an actual representative McClellend blend? (I have not.)
Funny you should ask. The wife and I did a sniff test about a year ago. We compared the scent of a tin of St James woods I'd just opened to just about every sauce in our fridge. The closet match we could find was not Ketchup but.......wait for it...  Green Salsa.  :alien:

The tobacco tasted fine and nothing like salsa. There is obviously something in the process that McClellend uses that gives some of their tins that scent, but I'm not sure what it is.
EXPERTS are anyone with a strong differing opinion. It's not a compliment. It's sarcasm and a put-down. Got it.  

Aristokles made a pretty valid observation. That no other blending outfit seems to come up with that (what should we call it?) ******** essence/smell/aura that they're famous for. Why is that? If it's not an additive, it has to be for the same reason that SF sourdough is so distinctive. The unique bacteria and yeast to that little patch of the world?
MisterE":wg07pz6v said:
(what should we call it?) ********

Though I thought the green salsa equate would have been good enough for ya, E. Heh. :lol:

Kyle Weiss":u4ntd2sv said:
MisterE":u4ntd2sv said:
(what should we call it?) ********

Though I thought the green salsa equate would have been good enough for ya, E.   Heh.   :lol:

Well, not to brag or anything, but I kind of am a salsa.....EXPERT  :twisted:  .....being from Mexico and all. :lol!:
I don't know what it is about straight reds but I'm just not into them. There's just an after taste in my mouth that isn't appealing. Some folks have a chemical/allergic type of reaction that burns like Hades to them but that isn't it for me. It does have a vinegary/ketchup type of smell to me as well. It is great as part of a blend and brings a lot to a mixture but straight don't do it for me. It's a shame as what most of you are saying about red VA sound like I should be all over it.
Try some red VAs from a different company/blender.
********? How the hell, ah...this ain't one of them degenerative threads, is it?
MisterE":bk067aus said:
EXPERTS are anyone with a strong differing opinion. It's not a compliment. It's sarcasm and a put-down. Got it.  

Aristokles made a pretty valid observation. That no other blending outfit seems to come up with that (what should we call it?) ******** essence/smell/aura that they're famous for. Why is that? If it's not an additive, it has to be for the same reason that SF sourdough is so distinctive. The unique bacteria and yeast to that little patch of the world?
And Greg in his writting about it explained it rather well I'd say. Next time your up here, get up to N.Carolina and go to the 'baccy auctions in Durham and you'll smell that SAME ascerbic aroma from the flue cured Red Va's in the barn. As far as OTHER blends with that aroma, 4 that I've smoked come to mind, Peretti's Oxford Flake, mainly pressed Red Va's, Wessex'x Classic Va, again, mainly Red Va based, Fribourge & Treyer's Blackjack, another Red Va based Va mixture and McConnell's Red Virginia and you guessed it, Red Va based !! Ascerbic, slightly vinegrey yes, ketchup, no. But I will defer to the group expertise and have to agree McClelland's just POURS ketchup on ALL it's blends !! There is that better ? :twisted: :twisted: BTW I know NOTHING about sarcasm, now Kyle is a different thing :twisted: :twisted:
Does everything McClelland have to become a pissing contest with you lovers and haters of fine Virginia tobacco??? I guess I'll answer my own question. YES.
docwatson":onypyytu said:
Does everything McClelland have to become a pissing contest with you lovers and haters of fine Virginia tobacco??? I guess I'll answer my own question. YES.
Doc, you summed it up well !! 'Nuff said !! :twisted:
docwatson":aqgiiibb said:
Does everything McClelland have to become a pissing contest with you lovers and haters of fine Virginia tobacco??? I guess I'll answer my own question. YES.
A quick questionnaire:

Are you on the Internet?  (Yes/No)

If "Yes," it's probably a pissing contest, somehow, some way.

If "No," you're probably doing something better, anyway.  

The verbal jousting really doesn't project the friendly/professional atmosphere we're trying to maintain here on this forum.
:fpalm: :fpalm: :fpalm:
mark":l7bxzdrg said:
The verbal jousting really doesn't project the friendly/professional atmosphere we're trying to maintain here on this forum.
:fpalm: :fpalm: :fpalm:
But... daaaad... we're having fun! We won't bring mud into the house, I promise. :D


(...wait, did you really use the word "Professional" to describe BoB...?) :lol:

docwatson":i4e5fw6g said:
Does everything McClelland have to become a pissing contest with you lovers and haters of fine Virginia tobacco??? I guess I'll answer my own question. YES.
Yes, when the question is irrelevant to the argument. I happen to enjoy "fine Virginia tobacco" very much. McClelland too often spoil theirs.
Aristokles":0j7lm3pq said:
docwatson":0j7lm3pq said:
Does everything McClelland have to become a pissing contest with you lovers and haters of fine Virginia tobacco??? I guess I'll answer my own question. YES.
Yes, when the question is irrelevant to the argument. I happen to enjoy "fine Virginia tobacco" very much. McClelland too often spoil theirs.

:twisted: :twisted:
With such high-brow commentary it is no wonder so many of my friends no longer light up in this forum.
Aristokles":s0mrns84 said:
With such high-brow commentary it is no wonder so many of my friends no longer light up in this forum.
But your snarky comments are fine, right?
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