I just cut and lit a Devil's Due that I received from mr. Barbie doll and I'm learning did I really like stronger cigars are on a stronger and this is amazing now once again thank you I'm walking around the property really enjoying the breeze just slowly Cuffin on this picking up all sorts of good notes
My last message said Barbie doll and I'm sorry I meant to say Breyer beagle but my spell check messed up on me anyways that's actually hilarious anyways am I supposed to expect more cigars according to what you just told me this is ridiculous but I'm very thankful about it all and very thankful to mr. Barbie doll AKA mr. Briar beagle end cornhub. Con I'm going to go ahead and say thank you to anybody else that might be sending because I'm not quite sure what to expect anymore with y'all so if I say thank you now and I forget later I won't feel as bad
My last message said Barbie doll and I'm sorry I meant to say Breyer beagle but my spell check messed up on me anyways that's actually hilarious anyways am I supposed to expect more cigars according to what you just told me this is ridiculous but I'm very thankful about it all and very thankful to mr. Barbie doll AKA mr. Briar beagle end cornhub. Con I'm going to go ahead and say thank you to anybody else that might be sending because I'm not quite sure what to expect anymore with y'all so if I say thank you now and I forget later I won't feel as bad also accidentally inhaled the little smoke and find that I do prefer inhaling as many of you may say inhaling a cigar is horrible but to each his own
Yeah I wish I could get my stupid spell check to work correctly and not say stupid crap make me look like an idiot stupid thing but anyway yeah I'm full on the humidor side that was incredible I appreciate everyone and everything the generosity never ceases to amaze me