If Tobacco Became Illegal...

Brothers of Briar

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(in my dreams right? As if there would be any available...)

Scottish flake
Brigade Campaign Dark flake
And something English/oriental maybe London Mixture

Actually I would stop buying, and wait for it to become illegal. It would be much cheaper thru the so called grey market dealers, the same ones who sell cuban cigars. Many cuban cigar smokers don't want the embargo to ever end, as prices would go sky high. Expect the same would happen with pipe tobacco, only in reverse.
McArris- a McCranie's house blend - tons of it
McCranies Red Ribbon
McClelland Gray Havens
McClelland Frogmornton

G.L Pease Westminster
Frog Morton
Frog Morton on the Bayou
Captain Black White
I would buy up all the FVF and penzance I could find......... Oh wait.......

But seriously:

Solani Silver Flake
McCranie's red flake
IRC Flake
McB HH Syrian
Habana Daydream
Maybe some SL or savinelli english for added variety.

The coices would be different if you made me buy in pounds instead of tins.

Seriously -

Me being a primary aromatic smoker, with the occasional English Blend or a good VA... Let's See...

Lane 1-Q
Lane RLP-6
Lane BCA
Early Morning Pipe
Haddo's Delight
Uncle Tom
Erinmore Flake

Star of the East
Burley Flake No 4
Prince Albert
Best Brown No 4
FVF because it's plentiful here and I'd be able to trade it for whatever takes my fancy later on.

For my own personal use I could live off Old Gowrie for the rest of my life, anything would just be a bonus.
If I was stocking up for tobacco prohibition, my list would look something like this:
C&D- Plantation Evening
Bow-Legged Bear

H&H- Classic Burley Kake (big supply!)
Distinguished Penguin
Anniversary Kake

Boswell's- PA Dutch Treat
No Bite Delite
Raspberry Cream
Mild English

G.L. Pease- Maltese Falcon

L.J. Peretti- Royal Blend
British Blend
Cuban Mixture
Park Square

P&W- Nut Brown Burley
Vermont Maple Cavendish

Peter Stokkebye- Balkan Supreme
Luxury Bullseye Flake
Right before it became illegal i'd buy up Pounds & Pounds of Supervalue Vanilla Cavendish. I'd then store it for about a year (to increase market value) and repackage so I could sell it on the black market as my own blend. :mrgreen:

I would also do the same with Lane Bulk tobaccos. These I would later sell as my gourmet/top of the line blends. :cheers:
Rob_In_MO":ujscb4eg said:
I would also do the same with Lane Bulk tobaccos. These I would later sell as my gourmet/top of the line blends. :cheers:
BCAQ as a means to becoming a black-market millionaire? :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Rob_In_MO":0rge8wot said:
Kyle Weiss":0rge8wot said:

I'd become a moonlight baccarunner for the West Coast. 8) Bathtub Bacca? Only the finest for the complexion. :twisted:
Right on, Brother Kyle! If tobacco became illegal, i'd become an outlaw. While Kyle's got his area covered, I'd make the runs to the East Coast to supply the Central US States.
I got the middle of the US covered with Rob. I say we even help out Canada a bit. We'll have to grow tobaccos and compare notes. I'm only 18, I gotta lot of smoking time left. If Tobacco is outlawed, there's gonna be an alphabetical mass murder in certain places. But we know nothing about it. ;). Hmm... I'd have to say,
1. Sammy G's Navy Flake
2. Half and Half
3. Dunhill Nightcap and Early Morning
4. Altadis Midnight Smoke, Celtic, Golden Rum, Bluegrass, and Flying Dutchman
5. Mac Barens 7 Seas Black Blend
6. And some good old Borkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey.
Without any doubt:

1- Haddo's Delight
2- Frog Morton
3- Commonwealth
4- Carter Hall
GuitarMyFriend":mxovjfoi said:
I got the middle of the US covered with Rob.
What the hell? Trying to move in on my territory?

Don't make me send Rocko and the Boys up your way! :evil:

I'll have enough trouble as it is - with the Mexican Cartels and all the local wannabe's... Then there's Law Enforcement and Judges to pay off, building a vault like Fort Knox, hiring an Entourage I can actually trust, etc.

Crap - this is gonna be a lotta work! But the money will make it all worth while. 8)
We should probably have one person for more densely populated areas, given that an entire region may be hard to cover for just one guy. I call Chicago! :p

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