This is the never-ending debate. Always interesting to hear, though. I take the word of GWP as gospel. My personal experience with tins of 2001 EMP, 965 and Old Dublin is that they tend to get flat after five years. However, even after that they can be resurrected with a little carefully done rehydrating and transfer from tin to glass for a couple of weeks. I also have the Dunhill blends that were bought in bulk in 2001, then immediately moved to vacuum sealed Mason jars. These can be smoked right out of the jar and smoked to great satisfaction. I just had a bowl of 15-year-old EMP in a 50-year-old Mountbatten Prince and it was a rich, tasty smoke. Would it have been better five years ago? Ten? I don't see how as I sit enjoying the smokey, slightly sweet aftertaste. I think tobacco likes to be aged in a cool, dark place. And you have to begin with good stuff. Poor quality leaf isn't going to get better than it was. Another way to restore an aged tin is to mix it with some of the modern version and let it sit for a bit. Well, that's my .02 FWIW.