I'll probably never understand....

Brothers of Briar

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Attaboy Slowrol! You tell'em! (Then duck and run for cover) :lol!:  Sorry ol' boy sometimes I just can't help it. :fpalm:


Well, if you don't tell em periodically, you'll just get run over. After all, wives tend to want to make the rules. :affraid:
Slowroll":5prh1kam said:
Well, if you don't tell em periodically, you'll just get run over. After all, wives tend to want to make the rules.
Yup, and that's why I'm single and will be buried single. Something tells me they don't stop yapping even when next to you underground...lmao!!

Lonecoyote said:
Slowroll":juloh0nz said:
Well, if you don't tell em periodically, you'll just get run over. After all, wives tend to want to make the rules.
Yup, and that's why I'm single and will be buried single. Something tells me they don't stop yapping even when next to you

Someone once said as an explanation of why men die before their wives-- "because they want to."
I just found out what MGTOW meant watching Kel
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6qtGD3qPR-w" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
Slowroll":2p7ln9wr said:
Someone once said as an explanation of why men die before their wives-- "because they want to."

One old codger replied to the question, "Do you want to die before your wife?", and contemptuously he replied, "There's absolutely no way I'm going to give that bitch cause to celebrate!" :twisted: :twisted:

One old codger replied to the question, "Do you want to die before your wife?", and contemptuously he replied, "There's absolutely no way I'm going to give that bitch cause to celebrate!" :twisted: :twisted:


I like the pugnacious philosophy there 8)
Someone in a previous post brought up the relation between 2nd hand smoke and outdoors smoking. My understanding is, years back,  research indicated the harmful effects of excessive smoking, but a surgeon general observed that some smoking could be a healthful relaxant, since Vitamin N is a relaxant, not a stimulant.

This led to the reasonable Q, "Okay, what is a safe limit on tobacco use?" As I recall, an estimate for pipers was eight or ten bowls a day. (!!!) This freaked out the Nicotine Nazis who quickly turned the topic to 2nd hand smoke and, of course, the effect on children. The mantra became, ""There is no safe use of tobacco."

Intuitively, this seems to be a nonsensical claim.  So, far as I know, there never has been satisfactory research on health effects of smoking on pipers. For that matter, the reports on second hand smoke should be taken with half a shaker of salt.

Also, as I've said before, I believe much of the relaxing effect of pipe smoking is the rhythmic, controlled breathing pattern used by experienced pipers.
I've always thought that if second hand smoke was such a problem then no one living in any city would live long because of all the foul bus exhaust fumes and the noxious output of all city politicians.
Slowroll":igh82xxi said:
I've always thought that if second hand smoke was such a problem then no one living in any city would live long because of all the foul  bus exhaust fumes and the noxious output of all city politicians.
:lol: :cheers:
Slowroll":myh79x4g said:
I've always thought that if second hand smoke was such a problem then no one living in any city would live long because of all the foul  bus exhaust fumes and the noxious output of all city politicians.
I once saw an estimate that living in NYC was the equivalent of smoking two packs a day. Sounds made up to me, but who knows . . .
KevinM":na8nwop2 said:
Slowroll":na8nwop2 said:
I've always thought that if second hand smoke was such a problem then no one living in any city would live long because of all the foul  bus exhaust fumes and the noxious output of all city politicians.
I once saw an estimate that living in NYC was the equivalent of smoking two packs a day. Sounds made up to me, but who knows . . .
Our puny contribution to all that with our pipes is insignificant indeed.
KevinM":glw7aash said:
I once saw an estimate that living in NYC was the equivalent of smoking two packs a day. Sounds made up to me, but who knows . . .
Living in Elisabeth NJ is far worse then NYC, according to statistics. Breathing in the noxious fumes from the gas and oil storage tanks made me choke when I use to drive past on the NJ Turnpike.
All that smoke is the AIR is NOT steam, as the Governor of the State once remarked :fpalm: :fpalm:

I know this is an old post but, during the week I do two bowls a day. One on the way to work and one on the way home. During weekends it is how ever many I feel like that day, usually 2-4. I just don't have time at work to smoke. Hopefully after retirement (in a short six years) I'll be able to get to a point where I can actually smoke in the house, we are always renting since we are in an area for 2-3 years at a time. Weather here up north only allows a short window of good weather to smoke outside.
Yeah, I have to slow down a bit on my pipe smoking.  I smoke about 4 to 6 bowls
a day.  My taste buds are shot.  Last night I had some pizza for supper and it didn't
even taste good. Although, the beer tasted fine!
Re: outdoor piping. Some pipers don’t like outdoor smoking for various reasons but, as a New Englander, I’d opine that going outdoors with my briar only requires choice of a spot that is somewhat sheltered, especially if the wind is stiff. I don’t find this too challenging a task, perhaps because I have many spots already picked out on my own property. I also keep my eyes peeled for other nice nearby smoking havens. Just up the road is a handsome New Englandy church with a treed lot behind it complete with a picnic table and a basketball net where youngsters often have a little game of h o r s e going. A bit farther up the road is another church with a nice wooded area with paths, stations of the cross and a bench at each station. Beautiful in Spring and Fall. It’s only drawback is I feel obliged to limit myself to bottled water, not a can of cold beer. Yes, I think indoor smoking can provide more taste, but I’m not keen about parking my butt indoors and watching The View on the teevee or some other miserable, agitating garbage
KevinM":61ik70dv said:
Slowroll":61ik70dv said:
I've always thought that if second hand smoke was such a problem then no one living in any city would live long because of all the foul  bus exhaust fumes and the noxious output of all city politicians.
I once saw an estimate that living in NYC was the equivalent of smoking two packs a day. Sounds made up to me, but who knows . . .
When i lived in Atlanta an medical guy I was talking too said he tests people to see if they were smokers for life insurance companies. He said the scale changed based on where you lived inside or outside the city. I asked if I tested as a non-smoker living in Atlanta what would I be out in the country and he said 2 pack a day smoker.

For some it's an avocation. For others it's a delivery system. I fall squarely in the latter camp. 8)
Well, to continue an old thread of mine (thanks for the new responses), now after retirement my daily average has gone up a bit. But not by that much.

I now have a morning bowl after b'fast (used to reserve this for the weekends I didn't have to work), and an after lunch bowl. Plus one after supper. So it used to be 2 bowls M-F and 3 on the weekends, with a possible 4th sneaking in every so often. After 4/day my palate is trashed.

Now in retirement the average is 3/day all week as everyday is a Saturday!  ;) I occasionally have a 4th bowl, and did so today. But that's an anomaly and I still can't see going beyond that.

Those that can go through 5 or more bowls/day and not have their sense of taste compromised is still a foreign concept to me!



I think depending on what you types of blends you smoke affect the max bowl count. I know if I am having a straight Virginia day that my limit will be 3 to 4 tops and that 4th one will destroy my mouth for the next day.

I'm going to probably test my limits when I go out to Cape Lookout National Seashore camping and fishing for drum next month. I'll let you know what my bowl limit comes out too.
Currently off work for the last few months so plenty of time to smoke. Also a newbie trying several different tobaccos.

Average is 4 to 6 bowls a day.

Unfortunately when I go back to work it will most likely drop to 1or 2 bowls a day.

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