I'm going home!

Brothers of Briar

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Had my septic tank pumped and inspected. This is required when a house with one is sold, and even though mine is not technically sold, it's immanent. In any case it would have to be done in the next few weeks anyway.

Cost me just over $1K, and half of that was for the compliance regs that came into force in the past 5 yrs or so. Just another way for the bloody state to pick my pocket.  :suspect:

It passed the inspection (no damage or leaking, etc). So it's over and done with. In the 20 yrs I've lived here it was pumped about 10 yrs ago (only since I thought it was probably time) and of course it was pumped prior to my buying the house. And the tank was sized for a family of say 4 (3 bedroom/2 bath house) so the small amount I put down it is a fraction of its capacity. All to say that the load that was pumped didn't amount to much.

I was here at the time, and the septic tech was a real character. Kept me entertained with jokes and anecdotes. Good guy. And I was surprised that it didn't stink more than it did!

There are 2 lids that have to be pulled, and these are both under my rear deck. So I had to remove some floor boards from the deck and then expose the hatch lids. These are concrete (as is the tank), about 2' round, heavy as hell, and covered by about 1' of soil. I had to ask the handyman from the brewery to hep me on this since it was a fairly physical job and I could see that it would be easy for me to hurt my back in the tight spaces.

So he and a helper came up, pulled off the floor boards (which were difficult due to stripped screws), dug down to the lids and exposed the lid covers. Of course I'll have to pay him for his time but it didn't amount to even a hr of his time. Better that than hurting myself. And he'll come back later this week to bury the lids in soil and replace the floorboards. Some things are better left non-DIY.

Stopped off at the post office and filled out a change of address form. This will be good for all first-class mail for one year from the effective date. There's no charge for forwarding, but it could take 7-10 days before reaching the new address.

In the meantime I'm contacting all and sundry about the change of address, so don't really expect too much mail being sent past my move date. Most of these transitions are pretty seamless, but one or two get complicated. Yes, I've been through this before and will get through this one.

Not really that much left to pack, except for the bare essentials to last me the final days at this address. I'll keep chipping away at it though in order to be ready days in advance.

And in the event my potential buyer goes south I'll also be faced with donating/recycling whole loads of things I was going to leave behind for him. But I can do this fairly easily in my last week prior to the move/after I retire the end of the month.

All to say I'm feeling a lot less anxiety compared to before. A week or so ago I was having panic attacks and not sleeping well. That seems to have passed and I'm really looking forward to getting on with the new house and area.



Sounds like you have things well in hand, sir. Remember to keep breathing and truckin. on! You're almost through this!
Ozark Wizard":8nblbr44 said:
Sounds like you have things well in hand, sir. Remember to keep breathing and truckin. on! You're almost through this!
Yuppers. Not much left to do really, except pack up all the final-final things and go down to a bare-bones essential existence prior to moving day. This will be relatively easily accomplished. Need to be 100% ready for the move day, and I'm dialed on that.

I'll get the mostly final things packed this weekend, and prepare to live a basic day-to-day for the next week or two. Heading to the goal posts now, and the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight.

Steady course, eye on target, and full speed ahead!



Congrats Brewdude, enjoy the sun and don't forget the sunscreen. On another note do you know if the they still make two handed ale in the Emearld City area?? I had a few at the SEATAC airport several years ago... good stuff.
chukster":ipc7or50 said:
Congrats Brewdude, enjoy the sun and don't forget the sunscreen. On another note do you know if the they still make two handed ale in the Emearld City area?? I had a few at the SEATAC airport several years ago... good stuff.
No idea, but I don't get out much. Too many breweries to keep track of anymore.


Stick":32vsbk1r said:
Good luck with the move, Rande.  Thinking of you old chap!
It's coming fast mate, only a week and a half now!

I have everything pretty much packed up that I won't need until after I move. Just have a few more boxes to do in the last several days so that I'm living on the very basics.

I'll be ready on the big day!



Good luck mate, now comes the joy of unpacking all those boxes at the other end. It's almost like Christmas opening each one. :)

Hope the move goes smoothly.



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