In case you have ever wondered...

Brothers of Briar

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LOL. My state:
Bird - Lark Bunting,
Amphibian - Western Tiger Salamander,
Fish - Greenback Cutthroat Trout.
Bat: Virginia big-eared bat
Bird: Northern Cardinal
Dog: American Foxhound
Fish: Brook trout (freshwater), Striped Bass (saltwater)
Flower: American Dogwood

We don't seem to have a state amphibian.
State animal: Mule
Bird: Bluebird
Fish: Channel catfish
Flower: White Hawthorne
Insect: Honey bee
Reptile: Box Turtle
Rock: Mozarkite
Tree: Dogwood
I thought the state nut would be the red neck, but it is the black walnut! :lol:
There are more, but why bother?

state bird = cardinal
flower = peony
gun =grouseland rifle
insect = Say's firefly
pie = sugar cream pie
stone = limestone
tree = tulip tree
aircraft = P-47 Thunderbolt
Without checking the link, I think the NC state bird is the Northern Cardinal, the amphibian is the Pine Barrens tree frog, and the fish is the Red drum.

Well I guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Got the bird and fish right. The Amphibian is the marbled salamander.
No one has a state desert?
We like to eat our ice cream cones, sitting under flowering dog woods while listening to fiddle music.

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