Although I have an affinity for Italian pipes, I really like the Peterson Pipe. I have only three of them, but they are superb smoking machines. I’ve noticed lately a number of newcomers on the board who were wondering about selecting a good pipe. You can’t go wrong with a Peterson. Here’s some of the reasons:
(1) Peterson’s is a long established company, starting out in the 19th century in Dublin. Because they make and sell their product within the realm of the free market, they must be doing something right to have survived all this time.
(2) They make a quality pipe in a wide variety of price ranges.
(3) They respond to the market place insofar as they are constantly innovative, coming out with different designs yearly, while their mainstay are the traditional shapes for which they famous.
(4) They are known and respected world wide, from the U.S and Canada to Russia, Italy, China and South Africa.
(5) They stand behind their product (like all reputable pipe makers).
(6) Mark Twain smoked a Peterson. Need I say more?
Now, having said that, I can say the same thing about Savinelli, although I base it more on their reputation rather than by personal experience. I only recently bought my first Savinelli and it is a magnificent smoke! I will buy more. What I said about Peterson I can also say about Savinelli. They have a shared history and tradition.
Now, you’ll have to excuse me while I light up my Rosslare.