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Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
May 15, 2019
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New Orleans
I have been thinking about this for a while now.

GLORY to all those that can smoke their pipes indoors, for alas I cannot. I have a three year old son and a very nervous wife and thus me pipe is relegated to the savage lands in the backyard. Don't get me wrong, I have a very nice Louisiana carport (which means that it's actually made for a boat) but right now, writing this, I wish I was puffing and clenching.

But the day I drop him off to college, that very moment, I come back to the house, this old man is puffing inside!

So out of my made curiousity, what do the rest of the brotherhood do? Inside or outside, why?
Both.  In winter I'm inside.  After the sun goes down, in spring/summer/fall I like my back deck.  I have a lot of woods in the back and all the lighting bugs like to make it look like Christmas.
Both for me too! In my man cave during the colder or rainy days. Also while watching tv, or on the computer. Under the roof of my patio on summer nights. Sometimes I'll wander down to the dock and sit while I watch the geese, or do a little fishing, and in the garage when I'm tinkering.
I prefer my house to not smell like smoke, so I'm out. If it's too hot or cold I'll go to an outbuilding and hang out with the zoo.
Outside, we rent and can never find anyone that will let us some inside. So until we settle down somewhere its out in the elements for me
I smoke in my office with a window fan.
The only issue is I can't open the window when it's too hot.
(or a strong East wind.)
In the summer, that means after dark. :cry:
Likewise to the indoors with window fan thing. But outdoors accounts for over 99% of my puffing except for Winter when it might drop to 85%. Maybe 85.62%.


1. Because I prefer to smoke outside.
2. SWMBO requires me to smoke outside
3. After my sister in law died from lung cancer (never smoked anything, ever) due to second hand smoke...I pledged to myself to protect my wife from any potential of danger.
It's outside for me too. See Mr BH's comments 1 and 2. Point 3 resonates with me also... I have two youngsters at home.
I smoke at work, at home, in the car, etc. As a rule the only time I am smoking outside is if I am walking to the PO at work or going from the office to the car.
I smoked inside for many years. Not any more.

When I sold my last house and moved in the past year there were nicotine stains on the walls that I hadn't ever noticed. This was due to the fact that they accumulated over time.

When I removed the pictures from the walls pending the move it was obvious that the walls were stained and the wall surface was sticky with nicotine residue. Grossed me out, actually.

Now I smoke outside exclusively.


Mostly outdoors but an occasional pipe in the basement with the fireplace going is great.
Mainly outdoors for me. When the Canadian winter hits, I move to the garage (heated) or, this upcoming winter, I'll be able to enjoy a bowl in my new shop. :D
Rent a condo, so nope. I go out on the patio or down to the garage I rent, but have to leave the door up to keep from stinking the place up permanently.
Outside exclusively, however, this includes the garage but most of the time it is on the front porch. I do however smoke in my car to and from work.
I smoke my pipe, cigars and RYO pipe tobaccos outside exclusively. However I can and do smoke my hookah inside and outside. As a father of a child with serious health problems I choose not to expose her unnecessarily to smoke. I managed to get her to 21 and I won't be responsible for any issues that smoke might cause her.


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