Internatio​nal Pipe Smoking Day 2/20/13

Brothers of Briar

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Dec 29, 2012
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I got an email from pipes and cigars this morning for Internatio​nal Pipe Smoking Day. I decided to go outside in the 28 degree weather with winds of 25-35 and have a bowl this morning in honor of the day. Is anyone doing anything interesting to celebrate?
Falls on my birthday - what a coincidence! I am going home to smoke a bit this afternoon. :D
Opened a tin of Mac Baren latakia blend for this occasion, plan on filling a nice bowl of it and enjoying.
Happy Birthday Cadfael. Hope you have a great day! Fatman how cold is it in Alaska right now?
Silence, not terribly cold right now. here in Anchorage it is 10am local time and it is 20 degrees. Lots of snow on the ground, just a dusting last night though
T give the day the Royal treatment it deserves, I have and will be alternating btwn two "Royal" blends, Peretii's Royal Blend and Dunhill's Royal Yacht! :twisted:
...enjoying several bowls of tobacco...G&H Kendal Kentucky, G&H Kendal Dark, SG Grouse-Moor Plug, and later on...G&H Revor Plug with my last bowl of the evening...SG Cob Plug. A Grand Day for those of us with a Pipe! :cheers:
Just opened a jar of Stonehaven. Gonna load the Tinsky BoB POY 2012.

Maybe later some Penzance in a Sav. straight billiard that really works well with it.
I had a wonderful bowl of PS LBF before lunch, then moments ago I had a wee bit of Milonga, to bad the BoB members couldn't teleport to one location and share a pipe moment together, that would be cool!
As is usual on IPSD, I had to work a full day, so I wasn't able to squeeze in a smoke. However, I'm smoking McClelland Oriental #1 from 1996 right now in my James Gilliam Roccio Bamboo in honor of IPSD. This pipe is an amazing smoker.
I had a very enjoyable IPSD. Al (Riff Raff) made his way up to Philly and hung out with us at our Morley's Pipe Club. Les brought some really good stuff for us to try (as usual) and the bar was well stocked. A very nice evening indeed.