Is Stormfront really the best Burley blend?

Brothers of Briar

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Well, I was talking Burley Blends, so...Darkhorse (being my personal design and adjustment to an existing Patton blend and thereafter named in my honor) is a horse of a different color.

But be that as it may, I was just trolling for comments, etc.

Maybe we should write up a BoB Blend Comment Disclaimer for guys to post following their typical diatribes of blend boosting. Something like:

"The above comments reflect my own personal opinions only. It is understood that others may not share in these opinions, and that's fine. I know that we each embrace different blends as being the best. I support that and pledge to uphold the right and privilege of each member to proclaim their opinions without backlash or derision...just as I expect that same degree of respect to be afforded me."

As a matter of fact, I think I'll add it to my signature line!
Well, then with all disclaimers applied, I just haven't smoked enough of it to put it ahead of the burleys I'm more familiar with. Many of the burley forward blends I've had are flakes. In the way of mixtures that are burley forward I can't say I've had better. In that vein, OJK is what I smoke the most of but that's more about it being a consistent standard with strength than the pinnacle of flavor.
Peretti's 333 Blend is good...a nice dark Burley, but smooth.

The last time I was at their Park Square store in Boston I got a big tin. Don't think about going down there right now though. The weather is, um, disagreeable. Poor saps.

Well, whatever. Flakes? Of the Wessex and Solani flakes I like the Solani, but find both very good. Exhausted Rooster is so Perque forward it's kind of on it's own as a unique item. Peretti has a Burley Flake as well, called Somerset...again quite a fine rendition. And I'm sure there are others. I'm just glad that I have some small ability to focus on the blend I have in my bowl instead f always looking to something new, something different, etc. That'll drive ya nuts for sure.
The Patton blend, no. I don't do Latakia.

The classic Bermuda drink, yes. Black Seal Rum and Ginger Beer are totally excellent in a Collins glass on the rocks.
Matches likes it!


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Blackhorse":n1chffxg said:
Peretti's 333 Blend is good...a nice dark Burley, but smooth.

The last time I was at their Park Square store in Boston I got a big tin. Don't think about going down there right now though. The weather is, um, disagreeable. Poor saps.

Well, whatever. Flakes? Of the Wessex and Solani flakes I like the Solani, but find both very good. Exhausted Rooster is so Perque forward it's kind of on it's own as a unique item. Peretti has a Burley Flake as well, called Somerset...again quite a fine rendition. And I'm sure there are others. I'm just glad that I have some small ability to focus on the blend I have in my bowl instead f always looking to something new, something different, etc. That'll drive ya nuts for sure.
C&D Also make 4 different Burley Flakes (numbered 1-4). I liked the bowl or two of #4 I tried.
Oh yeah, I forgot the C&D B Flakes. My bad.

And if Edgeworth was still around in flake (or any) form, there'd be that. I've tried the Edgeworth Flake before, lovely stuff, but it's been years. I still have several of those big tubs of the Ready Rubbed somewhere back in the Cave of Wonders, but it's not the same beast.
taharris":kz2tuc91 said:
Sorry guys.  I am going to be the one dissenter here.  

Solani Aged Burly Flake is head and shoulders above Stormfront.

Just say'n...

^^^ This 100% ^^^
"The above comments reflect my own personal opinions only. It is understood that others may not share in these opinions, and that's fine. I know that we each embrace different blends as being the best. I support that and pledge to uphold the right and privilege of each member to proclaim their opinions without backlash or derision...just as I expect that same degree of respect to be afforded me."

This should be "Intuitively obvious to the most casual observer" and/or participant on this board. It absolutely should apply to each forum/subject/topic/thread/discussion point on BoB. OK, I'm done now :suspect: FTRPLT

I agree that it should be obvious, blatantly so. So at least there are two of us.  lol

And yet, I see comment after comment stating that this one is better than that one, etc. With no proviso as to it being opinion or of a "for me" status. Maybe it's the tone. Maybe it's just for ME! I tend to be preachy and a big know it all pretty often... so if I use it as MY signature line then it might just be there to soften my beating my shoe on the table, which I find to be great fun.

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