I haven't seen it in a long time. However, I think Cannon Plug taste's almost identical, and Mars has it. It sure seems like a Plug version of Grousemoor to me.
Not the same I'm afraid - I have a pound or two of Cannon Plug - Grousemoor Plug is closer to a solid block of chocolate than a pressed stack of leaves - very rich and moist, black or nearly so - so heavily perfumed it smells like incense
Grousemoor in the normal version tastes like the Plug version, but it looks nothing like it (and is not nearly as strong in scent)
The plug cuts up into tiny cubes quite easily and is a unique joy
Send me a pm with your address and I'll send you a sample that will knock your socks off
I will start searching too. You have me interested now. I have tried Cannon Plug before and liked it. If you are saying this is better I will definitely try to find who has it.