OK, Ok you boys talked me into it. I stopped off at the ABC and picked up a bottle of Seagrams Gin and one of Martini & Rossi Dry Vermouth (not really knowing which was best-just experimenting) then on to the grocery for olives- just got standard green olives (next time I'll get the queens presoaked in vermouth). I regretably passed on picking up a pair of Martini glasses using a standard shallow water glass instead. Following a set of directions I found online I ran it 5:1 over ice cubes stiring for 30 sec. then straining into the chilled glass with three olives on a standard wooden toothpick. Lessons learned: get the martini glasses, use queen vermouth soaked olives, get longer toothpicks. But overall a good drinking experience (looks like two are my limit :drunken: ). I'll keep experimenting, I'm open to all advice (in addition to all the above advice). Tell me more about shaking vs stiring.