Its spring time

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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Wow... our day-lilies don't bloosom until August. We are seeing grass but there is still snow covering parts of the lawn. Planting season for flower beds here is the third weekend of May. By then, chances are minimal for a frost.

Bautiful pictures... did you take the photos yourself?

:D Paul
LOL...I'm cheating a little bit... these are actually last years pics. It does help though, we've had 8 inches of rain and I think 16 inches of snow this month. Some flowers never hurt anything.
took these over easter bbq, nothing special


And the ever hated..unless you're a kid...
you're pics are excellent pb, I just have a little digital camera, nothing special but I do the best I can...even more I wish I could grow things even half as well as I can take pics of things hahaha... didn't mean to try and steal your thread at all btw, just adding on some springtime fun
Shoot no... the more the merrier..
Post all ya want. for that matter someone else post some 'springtime'.

Anyone know what these are? Hint: Could be used as a term of political derision.
no idea what those are puros

Both of these were taken almost 2 weeks ago at Griffith quarry in Penryn, Cali

to get back on track and keep this from turning into a political thread I'll post another pic.

I took this at the main quarry in Rocklin which is in disrepair and I personally feel it needs to be a historical landmark if not a state park. Penryn's quarry was the first commercially successful granite quarry in California in the mid to late 1800s but Rocklin had well over a dozen quarries, some of which are filled completely, but most are filled with water today...this one was in operation well over 100 years until the 1980s and the pillars and the main building still stand. the granite from both helped build the Cali state capitol and historical buildings in San Francisco. This was taken mid Feb in the evening and the vertical version is printed in 24x36 and hangs in my church lobby :D
Playing with photobuckets editor....


This becomes this... Not bad for a crappy editor.. and yes the frame is cheese but I like


Shows up darker on here for some reason, but if I look at the screen sideways its bright and crisp...hmmm
sorry guys...when I moved it to the photo gallery I locked it by mistake....carry on.
I saw their new little editors today but didn't mess with them too much, I would love to learn photoshop but don't have the time/patience for that... :sleep:
My mom wins all kind of award with her "edited photo" entry's..
My Step-dad is better without it...
Before they remodeled their place they had photos hanging everywhere with ribbons on them, I'd tease the hell out of them about needing

Me? To many buttons and gizmos on PS, I just wish I had the time to learn how to make a decent B&W with it.

But then again I still need tons of work on composition and exposure so I don't fret it to much.

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