Jim's Standard Tobacco Company Reviews.

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2012
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These new blends are recreations of older products not seen in many years. Russ Ouellette blended them for the Standard Tobacco Company, and they are projected for a Fall release. The fellas who own the company asked a number of people, including myself, to review these blends, and provided one ounce samples of each for that purpose. Here’s their website: http://www.standardtobacco.com/ 

Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania Bengal Slices:
The very smoky, woody sweet Cyprian latakia is the star component, but this is a lat-bomb with nuance. The Orientals are smoky, woody, with some spice, and is slightly sweet with a hint of sour. The yellow Virginias provide a light citrus and minor spice hit, while the black stoved Virginias have a fermented fruity sweetness. The unflavored black cavendish is sweet and has a smoothing presence to tame any potential harshness, which you’ll hardly find in this product, even if you puff hard, though there is a slight edge to the latakia once in a while after the half way point if you go at it at beyond a moderate pace. There seems to be a very mild top note, but I can not identify it. The slices are thick, and easily broken apart to prepare to your preference level. Well blended with some complexity - more so than your average lat-bomb - it burns slow, and does require a few relights, though the number of them will depend upon how you break apart the slices and pack your bowl. I suggest you do so a little loosely. The very rich flavor is consistent and fairly smooth to the finish with no weak or dull spots, and no bite. Has a slightly more than moderate nic-hit, and the strength is a little more than medium with a fulsome taste. Leaves no moisture in the bowl, which doesn’t often happen with this kind of manufacture. Has a very pleasant after taste, and the room note is not as pungent as I expected. I credit the sweetness for that.

This is the only mixture in the line up where I had tried the original. I did not like the original and thought it was a bit flat, but then again, I believe what I had was comprised because it was dry, dry, dry, and a fair amount of flavor was lost.  This means I can not fairly compare the two as the recreation is fresh with all the flavor intact.

Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania John Cotton’s No. 1 Mild:
The bright and red Virginias are mildly grassy, citrusy and tangy dried fruit sweet with a touch of earth, and are the star components. The Cyprian latakia is smoky, woody sweet as a supporting player that you’ll notice all the way to the finish. The Orientals play a minor role, but adds some complexity: smoky, woody with a touch of sweet spice. The sweetness from the Virginias and latakia hits you as you light up, and this well balanced blend holds a consistent, clean, smooth, cool and creamy flavor to the finish. No dull or weak spots, no moisture in the bowl, and no bite. Has a pleasant after taste, and the room note passes the wife test. Though the blend purports to be mild - and the nicotine and strength levels are indeed that - the taste is a shade over the mild mark. I attribute that to the rich sweetness you get in every puff. A very good entry level English that an experienced smoker could smoke all day without feeling that they’re missing anything.

Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania John Cotton’s No.s 1&2 Medium:
The very smoky, woody sweet Cyprian latakia is the star component, but this is not a lat-bomb. The light and red Virginias offer some citrus and tangy stewed fruitiness along with a mild grassiness, plus a little earth. The Orientals are woody sweet with a touch of spice and sour in a supporting role. Has a moderate nic-hit, and is medium in strength and taste as the name states. Well balanced, rich and creamy smooth with some complexity, it burns well, cool, and even with few relights. The deep flavors never weaken, and there’s no dull or harsh spots to be found. Won’t bite, and leaves no moisture in the bowl, so you can burn it down to the last strand of tobacco. Has a camp fire-like room note, and produces a large volume of smoke. Not quite an all day smoke, but it’s repeatable during your smoking day.

Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania John Cotton’s Smyrna:
The Cyprian latakia is smoky, woody sweet. The Orientals and Turkish are fairly sweet with a touch of sour, and are very woody and spicy with a deep smoky earthiness. Obviously, you can credit the Smyrna for much of that. Playing back-up is a citrusy sweet, lightly grassy, slightly earthy brown Virginia. You can taste all of the inherent tobaccos flavors in every puff. Burns clean with some complexity, and has a refined creamy, spicy sweet smoothness that makes you think there might be a little less latakia than there is. One might think all the spice would nip at your tongue if you puff fast, but that doesn’t happen, nor will it bite, though I do suggest smoking it at a moderate pace. This is the spiciest blend in this company’s line up, and it pleasantly lingers in the after taste. Medium to full in strength, and full in taste, the nic-hit is between moderate and full as it seems to get a little stronger in the last quarter of the smoke. Burns well with few relights, and a very consistent taste with no dull or harsh moments. Leaves no moisture in your bowl, and produces volumes of smoke as you go along to that fine white ash. The room note is stronger than a camp fire; very pungent. Not an all day smoke.

Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania War Horse:
The burley is toasty, and a little nutty with a strong, bold earthiness. The burley is a little sweet, though I don’t notice that particular sweetness as much after a few puffs. The rest of the time you’ll discern the other aspects of the burley that I mentioned. It is the dominant component all the way through. The spicy, woody, smoky dark-fired Kentucky kicks in from the start and you’ll taste it from one extent to another the rest of the way, always in a supporting role. The perique isn’t always as obvious. There are times when its spicy quality is sublimated by that of the dark-fired. The plum, fig, and date notes it provides are more noticeable to me. The red Virginias are tangy dried dark fruit sweet with a touch of earth in an important support role as it provides a bit of sweetness, which I seem to observe more after the half way point, though it’s always there. The sweet topping, whatever it is, competes with the red Virginia in the taste department in the first half, and though the topping weakens just a little after that, it will remain to the end. The blend’s strength is a little over the medium threshold while the taste closes in on being full. The nic-hit is a little more than mild. Burns well with very few relights, cool, smooth and a little creamy with a fairly consistent complex flavor. It won’t bite, but I suggest a moderate cadence and a wide bowl to heighten the experience. Leaves no moisture in the bowl, produces lots of smoke, and the after taste pleasantly lingers as it leaves nothing but burnt ash at the finish. Despite its strength, it’s almost an all day smoke, and long time smokers might likely consider it to be one.
Nice work, Jim. I need to try these.

Definitely looking forward to them hitting the shelves.
Great reviews Jim! I'm sure I'm among many anxiously waiting for these to be released.
Thanks for the reviews Jim. I'm going to have to try a couple of these.

I'm excited with Bengal Slices. It's a favorite of mine and I still smoke it regularly, albeit all my remaining tins are from the 90s. Unfortunately, Fusiliers Ration did nothing for me. I sincerely hope they can get those flakes right. The War Horse has me intrigued. Is it a plug? Looking forward to give it a try.
Wet Dottle":ovvpwi6l said:
I'm excited with Bengal Slices. It's a favorite of mine and I still smoke it regularly, albeit all my remaining tins are from the 90s. Unfortunately, Fusiliers Ration did nothing for me. I sincerely hope they can get those flakes right. The War Horse has me intrigued. Is it a plug? Looking forward to give it a try.
In my opinion, Bengal Slices are much better than Fusiliers Ration, which I do like. BS is richer in flavor, though much less spicy.  War Horse was a solid block when it was originally made. This version is a loose cut because they don't have the machinery to make a brick or a plug. But, I have heard they were working to see if they can't work something out so that they can eventually make a block.
Thanks for the reply, Jim. I'm looking forward to give these blends a try. I do agree that Fusiliers Ration is a good blend, with a quite unique flavor profile, but it only has a passing and remote resemblance with Bengal Slices.

What about the blends resulting from the John Cotton thowdown? Did they use any of the recipes in the new blends? If not, have you had a chance to compare them (the throwdown blends) with the new STC blends?
Wet Dottle":grnhrpna said:
Thanks for the reply, Jim. I'm looking forward to give these blends a try. I do agree that Fusiliers Ration is a good blend, with a quite unique flavor profile, but it only has a passing and remote resemblance with Bengal Slices.

What about the blends resulting from the John Cotton thowdown? Did they use any of the recipes in the new blends? If not, have you had a chance to compare them (the throwdown blends) with the new STC blends?
I had only tried the original Bengal Slices, which I mention in the review. I have not tried any of the throw down blends. No, they didn't have the original recipes. They had the original tobaccos, which they and Russ Ouellette smoked. They also had the tobacco analyzed by a lab to see what they were made of. A lot of work and thought and smoking and planning has gone into getting these blends made.
Yo Wet Do

I'm pretty much in accord with what you and Jim said. As for the 3 Throwdown entrants vs. Cotton's No.1 & 2 Medium, I prefer STP's by far. Lane LEO, which might now be discontinued, did gather a number of fans at the Chicago Show, but it's a lot lighter and not as rich or complex as RussO's. Chief Catoonah won the event with Princes Street Mixture, which I like quite a bit but now is out of production with Dick Silverman's passing. The STP is a bigger, fuller smoke than Princes St. too.

I've never had Bengal Slices, just never got around to buying any when it was still in production I suppose. So I'm looking forward to trying this version especially.
lestrout":cbgvyh8n said:
Yo Wet Do

I'm pretty much in accord with what you and Jim said.  As for the 3 Throwdown entrants vs. Cotton's No.1 & 2 Medium, I prefer STP's by far.  Lane LEO, which might now be discontinued, did gather a number of fans at the Chicago Show, but it's a lot lighter and not as rich or complex as RussO's.  Chief Catoonah won the event with Princes Street Mixture, which I like quite a bit but now is out of production with Dick Silverman's passing.  The STP is a bigger, fuller smoke than Princes St. too.

Thanks, Les. I've never smoked any of the Cotton's blends nor their throwdown versions, and I'm sorry I missed Chief Catoonah's version. Will be waiting for the STP's blends with anticipation.
Great reviews as always Jim.

I was a huge fan of Bengal Slices around '00/'01 and smoked through several tins. Then they went away and a year or so later I took a pipe hiatus.

After coming back to the pipe my tastes had changed. These days I pretty much avoid Lat blends. Still, I wouldn't mind checking out the match for this to see if it reminds me of what I (think) I remember. Actually have a few slices of the original that our esteemed BH once sent me many moons ago.

Of all the reviews, War Horse is the one that interests me the most. So I'll be checking that out in due course.


Brewdude":8mwfdw2g said:
....... Of all the reviews, War Horse is the one that interests me the most. So I'll be checking that out in due course.
Same here. Hopefully enough is being produced to meet the initial demand.
As I currently understand, they are looking to release the blends in November if all goes well. They think they may be able to make War Horse as bar as well as a loose cut, and that could happen some time next year with any luck. The War Horse bar will be stronger in flavor and nicotine than the loose cut is. I love the loose cut, and it'll be very interesting to try the bar if that comes to pass.
Yo Wet Do

Some more update info: re RussO's FRation - it turns out that since the original hype, he said that he was not necessarily trying to match Bengal Slices with that blend. Rather, he was trying to devise a Balkany crumble cake that was different than Ten to Midnight.

This week I had a bowl of original John Cotton's Nos. 1 & 2 Medium, and as I now expect, it was very smooth and mellow, but the Lat was much diminished. The whole blend, especially compared to the STP, was muted and rather boring - kind of the elevator music of Balkans. I'm getting worried about all the Lats that are aging in my Top200 Cellar.

lestrout":tkpoijcm said:
Yo Wet Do

Some more update info:  re RussO's FRation - it turns out that since the original hype, he said that he was not necessarily trying to match Bengal Slices with that blend. Rather, he was trying to devise a Balkany crumble cake that was different than Ten to Midnight.

This week I had a bowl of original John Cotton's Nos. 1 & 2 Medium, and as I now expect, it was very smooth and mellow, but the Lat was much diminished.  The whole blend, especially compared to the STP, was muted and rather boring - kind of the elevator music of Balkans.  I'm getting worried about all the Lats that are aging in my Top200 Cellar.

I think that is a legitimate concern. Latakia does mellow with age.
Just great!!! I've about convinced myself that I have all the 'baccy I will ever need and somebody has to re-create my beloved JC #1 & #2 :p :p

Question...What/where was this JC "Throw down?" I'm presuming the Chicago Show. Where might one acquire more knowledge of said event??? :cheers: FTRPLT
JimInks":3pqcwg23 said:
I think that is a legitimate concern. Latakia does mellow with age.
My theory around this has always been to buy tobaccos with quality leaf around the Latakia and you're likely to be more satisfied with older tins. As the Lat mellows the high grade VA's and Orientals should be getting better. GLP blends tend to age really nice. I had a 13 year old tin of Odyssey and it was ridiculously good. However, the latakia was very subdued. On the other hand the Virginia's were quite a bit sweeter, noticeably so actually.

I guess it all depends on personal preference. Do you like mellow lat with a subtle hint of smoke, or that fresh piney pungency...
lestrout":5vgp90rz said:
Yo Wet Do

Some more update info:  re RussO's FRation - it turns out that since the original hype, he said that he was not necessarily trying to match Bengal Slices with that blend. Rather, he was trying to devise a Balkany crumble cake that was different than Ten to Midnight.

This week I had a bowl of original John Cotton's Nos. 1 & 2 Medium, and as I now expect, it was very smooth and mellow, but the Lat was much diminished.  The whole blend, especially compared to the STP, was muted and rather boring - kind of the elevator music of Balkans.  I'm getting worried about all the Lats that are aging in my Top200 Cellar.

Thanks for the follow-up, Les.
Whatever the "War Horse Bar" is, I want to find one and smoke myself into pure concentration...

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