That right there sounds like a weight loss program to me.
(In best infomercial voice) Are you tired of being described as Husky or Robust? Does the summer time weather have you wishing you could go skinny dipping instead of chunky dunkin? Are you tired of those folks from Green Peace trying to drag you "back" into the water every time you go to the beach? Do you avoid trampolines for fear of being mistaken for an eclipse? Then the new Del Monte Bombastic Body Blast weight loss program is for you! Yes indeed! You can quickly and easily shed that unsightly excess weight in no time at all. Just listen to this testimony from Sherry in West Virginia "I lost 27 pounds in three days with the new Del Monte Bombastic Body Blast Weight Loss Program. I may be a little dehydrated, weaker than a malnourished kitten and feeling a bit dizzy from spending three days in the bathroom praying for death or redemption, but I'm skinny dang it! DEL MONTE WORKED FOR ME!! :afro: