Ken Collins AKA Pipetongue AKA Dad

Brothers of Briar

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puros_bran":5ct8jxkm said:
Chevy I think he was everyones Mentor...

He has gifted most of us.. Not only with tobacco and such but with something more important his love of the pipe, the knowledge he has gathered over the many years of puffing, and life wisdom..

I've never met the man, I wanted to it just never worked out, but I've been (edit in: a lot of us have) talking to him for 5 or 6 years..

Back on the old Knox board he posted a lot more than he has the past year or so.. Quick,cutting wit.. Not the kind that hurt, the kind you couldn't help but grin about..

He is one of the unspoken giants of the pipe world. And I feel like a better person for having been blessed by getting to talk to him.

I hope beyond hope he rebounds and comes back and fusses at us for making deal.. Lol.. Anyone ever received a package from him warning you to not make a fuss about it? Lol I think we all have..
If not I hope the good Lord takes him in peace and grants a measure of strenth to Mrs Collins.. Our loss will be nothing compared to hers.
I couldn't of said it better. He has been a great mentor and friend to a lot of us for many a year. My thoughts and prayers are with Ken and his family.
Dock, That is sad news indeed. You and all the family are in my prayers.
Wow, just got the news and am shocked and immensely saddened. My heartfelt prayers go out to his wife and family.

I was lucky to have Ken in my pipe club, and being somewhat of a newbie I definitely benefitted from his sage wisdom. I probably have too much "Italian wood" and not enough "Bosun Cut Plug" because of him. He was a great man.

May his wife and family find comfort in the countless lives he touched.

I'm still very saddened by this news.. such a wealth of information, wit, kindness and as he said not so long ago, a tranquil heart & mind. He will be missed terribly.

Has anyone heard any updates on Ken's condition? While it didn't sound like things were looking hopeful, miracles do happen.

Whatever the current situation, may Ken, his family & his many friends here and elsewhere find peace and tranquility.
Kenneth F. Collins passed away at Signature Healthcare Brockton Hospital Jan. 19, 2011, at the age of 66. Born in Boston, he had lived in Abington many years. Ken was a friend of Bill W. He enjoyed gardening, reading, the Red Sox and was a member of the Sherlock Holmes Pipe Club. Beloved husband of Mary K. (Donovan) Collins, he was the father of Amy Anderson of Waltham and Cheryl Persichetti married to Nathan of Chemlsford; dear friend of Maryellen Flaherty of Abington and her children, P.J., Molly and Kerry Flaherty. Funeral service in the South Weymouth McDonald Funeral Home, 809 Main St. (Rte. 18 opposite South Shore Hospital), Monday at 11 Oclock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday 2-6 p.m.
God bless him.
I am heart broken right now!!
I really do not know what to say!
KEN, I love ya man!!! You stand as a monument to the briar and leaf.

............. I'll send you more Condor Old Man!!!!

What LL said!!!!
That's just ****! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
66 is too young to leave this world. My sincere condolences and heartfelt prayer for his family and friends.

Well it breaks my heart to hear the news. He will be very missed.

Thanks for updating us Jack
Got this today from an SHPC member:

Kenneth F. Collins

Kenneth F. Collins passed away at Signature Healthcare Brockton Hospital Jan. 19, 2011, at the age of 66. Born in Boston, he had lived in Abington many years. Ken was a friend of Bill W. He enjoyed gardening, reading, the Red Sox and was a member of the Sherlock Holmes Pipe Club. Beloved husband of Mary K. (Donovan) Collins, he was the father of Amy Anderson of Waltham and Cheryl Persichetti married to Nathan of Chemlsford; dear friend of Maryellen Flaherty of Abington and her children, P.J., Molly and Kerry Flaherty. Funeral service in the South Weymouth McDonald Funeral Home, 809 Main St. (Rte. 18 opposite South Shore Hospital), Monday at 11 Oclock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday 2-6 p.m.
I am very sorry that Ken passed on. Remember him, and part of him will always be with us. All the best for his family in their time of mourning.
I was very lucky to know him, even if just for a little while. I will miss him much. Peace and comfort to all those who miss him.
I hope no one thinks it presumptuous of me. I ordered a planter with green plants and some flowers to make it look nice, from the Brothers of Briar. A local flower business that said they would make sure it got there for Sunday. I hope someone in the family will like it.
Thanks Carlos... I was actually thinking of sending some myself.
Carlos - if you PM me, I'd be glad to send you a little money your way for that. I know how expensive it can be to send flowers having just gone through a funeral here in Indy this week.


Very sad news. I have enjoyed his posts over the years, here and at Knox. I always read him as a very kind person. RIP
I only had a few encounters with him, but he was a great guy from what I knew from his posts and definitely a key member of BoB. My condolences.
Been away from the BoB for a week or so. This is heartbreaking news to return to. Dock and Ken's family, as well as my BoB family, I am so sorry. May God bless and encourage everyone in whose heart Ken held a special place.